Chapter 20

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A girl with a jellyfish haircut, standing in front, in a completely black room. Nothing else, but a plain, black space.

"Mei..." She reached her hands out, calling for the girl.

The girl started walking further... Further away from her.

"Mei...!" She fastening her pace, tried catching up to her sister.

Reaching both of her hands, trying to grab on to her sister, she suddenly disappeared within thin air.


There before her eyes, she saw both Baji and Shinichiro. Baji though, he looked like when he was young. It's just like when she remembered him as when they were still kids, having big dumb dreams.

"Baji... Why're you..."

Confused as she is, she stared at the two guys in front of her.

"Shinichiro..." She again, mumbled.

They started walking in another direction. Again, she's getting left behind without a single word.

"No, Baji! Shinichiro! Don't leave me here...!"

She ran, and ran with all her might. But the distance between them and herself doesn't seem to be closing up at all.

They faded in the dark. Just like butterfly wings that shredded after touching. And to exchange with the two, a certain white hair was who she found.

"I—" She couldn't find herself breathing. Gaining up all her strength just to make herself move. She found herself slowly sinking in a dark sea. She can't even see the surface. She can't voice out. All she could do was let herself sink... Into the deep void....

"Izana!!" She shot up. Panting heavily, running her eyes, seeing herself in a rather safe bedroom. That didn't make her relief one bit.

Throwing her blanket off, she got off the bed. Once stepping on to the ground, she once again felt herself sinking.

"On the ground? Sinking? How ridiculous!"
That's what she thought to herself.

She wanted to shout, but nothing's coming out from her throat. It felt like the ground's eating her whole. And she can't seem to get out of it.

Trying to calm herself down by taking deep breaths, as she couldn't find herself breathing.



She calmed down.


Forcefully opening her eyes, she found herself hugging her knees, shaped like a ball, lying on the cold hard floor.

"Why did I..." Not knowing the cause of this, she sat up, ruffling the back of her head.

Sighing to herself, as she looked out the window. It's still dark. Looking at the clock on her walls, it's 3am. The shivers as she can't stop, all the sweating and dreams for no reason. Especially that she almost got sucked in by the floor is what she couldn't understand one bit.

This had been going on for weeks. From the day Baji died. She started having weird dreams of people she knew, standing in a dark empty room, slowly leaving her.

No matter how many times she's dreamt of that, she'll never get over with the feeling of being scared.

Scared of getting left behind...?

"Or are you just scared of being alone, Rian...?" She mumbled to herself.

As someone, as a girl who never really knew how to show and describe her feelings. She'd stay quite about it. No matter if she's sad, mad or happy. Unless it's shown on her face.

Never really knowing what are the 'emotions' that people were talking about. Were they taught about that? What does the real 'happiness' feel like?

"Am I.... Really happy right now?"
She couldn't help but ask herself this question, always.

Is she satisfied of the situation that she's in right now?
With two of her friends in jail, locked up. Two of her friends are gone and forever. She didn't even know where her two childhood friends could be.

There's Mikey and his gang, right. She have no rights to mendle in, even as friends. She's not a part of their gang, that they were so busy of.

Lasted her sister, who she hasn't been seeing after Kazutora was caught. She refused to talk and even meet her. Even so for how much she wanted to hug her sister and tell her that 'Everything's alright', she couldn't even tell that to herself.

Her heart's aching. What's the reason of her living in this world?

What's the meaning of life?

Is it that she feel like crying, but couldn't? Is that what they call 'sad'?

Or is it that she found something uncomfortable, but didn't know what doesn't sit right to her?

Wanting to talk to her friends, she wanted someone to be with her. Lonely, is what they called this as.

She never knew how to open a conversation. Even if she does, it always ends up awkward. And by the time they both met again, it's like they don't know each other anymore.

Every one of her friends right now started the conversation with her, first.

"Now to think of it, it's their rights to throw me away or not...."

She wanted to bang her head on to the wall for thinking this much. Clearly that her friends wasn't like this, and she knew very well of it.

"Just take some pills and go back to sleep, dumbass!" She scolded herself for being this negative. Chugging down two pills with a glass of water, she pulled her blankets over her and closed her eyes.

Drifting in to slumber again....


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