The ship lands in front of the castle. Towering doors open. "Now, the Emperor's assistant will be your tour guide. Please don't make me regret taking you here." Kikimora stands on a platform as a bridge extends to the ship. "Whoa! Look at that!" The kid's Gasps. "It's massive!

The bridge retreats, bringing the students closer to Kikimora. "Children of Hexside, Emperor Belos welcomes you to his castle. We're honored by visits from students. You'll soon be a part of a coven, some lucky few may even find their home here, in the mighty Emperor's Coven!"

"She looked at me!" "Wow, some!"

"You... are the future of the Isles! My job is to teach you its past." They enter the castle. Guards flank either side of a hallway, saluting, as others walk on overpasses. The walls are covered in tapestries, murals, and statues. "Ooh. Whoa"

"Today, the Isles are a place of peace and prosperity. But that wasn't always the case." Gestures to a mural of witches dancing around a fire. "Up until 50 years ago, witches and demons practiced wild magic during what we called the Savage Ages." She leads the students away. "Witches had access to corrupt knowledge, and that dishonored the Titan."

Luz stops at a grate. "That was, until our great Emperor ascended to the throne, and taught witches how to use magic properly." Gestures to a mural of Belos holding up a beam of light, witches below celebrating his power. "Our next stop is the Emperor's personal collection of relics."

"Oh! Luz, you'll like this. It's where-huh?" Willow said as Y/n pointed at Luz struggling to open the vent, noticing Y/n, Willow, and Gus looking at her. "Heh... Uh, love me a properly ventilated castle!" Luz follows the rest of the group.

"The Relic Room. These items are reminders of our great Emperor's overwhelming power. From the curious and mighty." "Oooh." Kikimora passes the Green Thumb Gauntlet. "To the very handy." "Oh, I could grow such beautiful things with that!" Willow said.

Kikimora passes by the Healing Hat. "And even, the most valuable." Luz stares at the Hat as Willow is admiring the Gauntlet. "Come along, children." Y/n and Willow go to catch up. Luz starts walking towards the Healing Hat, but Gus runs up and drags her along. "Let's go, Luz!"

"Here at the Emperor's Coven, we require members with sophistication, elegance, and grace." A door slams open. Lilith is standing there, leaves in her disheveled hair. She spits out feathers and vanishes her staff, then enters. Luz gasps and ducks around a corner. "Ah! Make way for Miss Lilith Clawthorne, students."

"Oh, my gosh!" "The head of the coven!" "Wow!"

"Yes, and if I'm not mistaken, she's on her way to see the Emperor himself. Let's all wish her luck!" "Good luck, Miss Lilith!" The students said.

Lilith blushes and inhales. "Thank you, students. Good luck with puberty."

"This way, children." Most of the class follows Kikimora down the hall as Lilith enters a door. Luz looks after Lilith.

Cut to the Emperor's Castle. Luz peeks out of a curtain to look through a window, watching the class leave. "Please don't notice I'm gone, please don't notice I'm boarding the bus?" Luz is on the bridge. She turns around and sticks out her tongue at the real Luz. "Huh"

Y/n taps Luz's shoulder. "Wah!" Luz turns around to see Y/n, Willow, and Gus, Gus spinning three spell circles. "Oh! Guys. I, uh...." Willow pulls out Luz's notepad. "You were planning on taking the Healing Hat, weren't you?" Y/n said. Luz sighs.

"You got me. But you don't understand. Eda has this curse and it's zapping away her magic, and-"

"Luz, no matter what, you can't steal this hat," Willow said. Gus steps in front of Willow. "But, you can borrow it!" "Hey! I wanted to say that!" "We learned about Eda's curse from your notes. We're gonna help you." Y/n said.

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