I feel GREAT

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As soon as I take a step closer, they've already left, for they will never truly care, tear me apart whenever there's the chance. You say I'm fine, too young to understand, yet how do you know? Overreacting, you say? Tell me that after living my way.

People screaming right in my ears, confirming my fears and leaving me in tears. Their words of hate and judgement, you all seem so adamant that you're correct, leaving me feeling so wrong and wrecked.

Are they right? There's no need to put up a fight. I'm being insane, acting irrationally. The agony is fake, yet when they give, they still take. Confusion spins in my head, yet everything still unsaid, afraid that if I speak, the words will sneak in my head, leaving me spinning and spinning once again, no end in sight.



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