Chapter 32. The mouse is trapped

Start from the beginning

"It's just that you called the bank yesterday and clarified the amount of money in the accounts, I am the manager of your savings, you don't think I would have found out about this, you also asked the lawyer and bank employees if it was possible to transfer money, large sums, to other accounts, including the one that belongs to this hospital. I called the house where you live, not on your mobile, but in the house and realized when no one answered the phone that you both were no longer there, I rushed here, of course I could have been mistaken, but having estimated the travel time from the apartment Before coming here, I assumed that you were either already here or would arrive in no more than an hour." - Bielke raised an eyebrow, looking at Rupert in surprise.

"You should have worked as a detective or a spy." - Gustav commented on what he heard.

"So you forgot here and why didn't you tell me about your plans, we're not doing well for a second." - The manager was clearly not in a good mood.

"Sorry, but I want to donate my money to those most in need in this building, as much as necessary." - Aurora headed towards the entrance. Larsson walked calmly next to she, and Lirrik, out of breath, trudged after them, indignant.

"I understand everything and it's a good thing, but I just ask you not to waste all your resources, it's as if we still no have problems." The girl didn't listen to him, she had already decided everything. The staff of the establishment were surprised that the culprit of the hype in the press appeared without warning at their abode, they simply froze in their places, forgetting who was going where and what they were doing and looked at Bielke. She approached the nearest man in a white coat.

"Who's in charge here?" – she asked.

"What? Who?" – The employee did not understand, hesitating and thinking that they were not addressing him.

"I say, who is the boss here?"

"Doctor Rami, what?"

"I want to see him." – The singer looked stern and serious, the man hesitated for a moment, decided to obey and took her to the head doctor's office. The Hindu, judging by his appearance and accent, was busy playing some kind of game on the computer and was not expecting guests of that level. The girl entered his room without knocking.

"What's happened!" The doctor muttered dissatisfiedly, but fell silent as soon as he saw the star that every dog ​​in Norway, let alone a person, knew.

"Please take me around your hospital, through the wards and show me the patients most in need of help, take their personal cards, tell me how much their treatment might cost, not at your place, of course, but in the best clinics wherever they are." – Aurora didn't ask, she ordered, for the first time in a long time, Bielke didn't smile sweetly at everyone she met, didn't try to please everyone, because she realized that there will always be someone who doesn't like anything, even if you're perfect in everything. Now, when the girl was about to draw a line under her career, she did not care about the conventions imposed by other people. Rami stood up and opened his mouth, it is not known what he wanted to say, but then Gustav and Rupert, who had already come to terms with what was happening and was angry as hell, entered into a conversation.

"Dear doctor, silently do as the lady asks."– Larsson asked quietly, looming his rather large figure over the doctor.

"And don't forget the cases and contact information for each patient, move your limbs, otherwise I'll call your superiors and you'll work at best as a nurse. Believe me, I know the Minister of Health personally." - Rupert snapped at the unfortunate man for all his nerves that he had lately. The Hindu decided not to risk it, he was dumbfounded, called two doctors and a secretary, and the whole company, with a bunch of folders in their hands, headed to the wing with the most difficult and terrible cases. Bielke felt sick in the elevator when he was delivering the delegation to the desired floor. Her heightened senses perceived the full spectrum of pain hovering here. Hundreds of children from infancy to adolescence, all were doomed to a long and painful death, but their young souls wanted to live and this made the energy in the building very heavy. Those little patients who were conscious and could be aware of the surrounding reality immediately recognized the singer; they, with widened eyes, looked at her as the appearance of Christ to the people, as a miracle, in the sterile wards, in their sterile lives she was a colorful and wonderful spot. How strange it is that not one of the children rushed screaming to their idol; they simply watched from their rooms, some lying on their beds because they could not walk. "The best fans." - The singer thought, she went in to everyone in turn and, smiling, talked to the sick, to those who were capable of it, the children were happy about the moment they spent with the star.

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