"Melina told me to greet you from her." She says and I look at her, almost a little confused. After that one time being there, I haven't seen Melina any further and we also don't have any contact, so it's a surprise that she thought of me.
But she is still somewhat my family. Maybe not biologically but she's still somehow my grandmother, even though that makes her sound older than she is.

"Thank you." I reply and Yelena nods, probably seeing the confusion in my face.

"Natasha talked quite a lot about you." She tells me and I raise my eyebrows at that. Not at the part that Mom talks about me but the fact that they have been talking.

"You've seen my Mom?" I ask and Yelena nods.

"After what happened in Germany, she came back with the rest of Tony's team but since she kind of betrayed them, or switched sides, which ever expression you want to use, she is also on the run from the government. She came to Ohio at first and stayed about two weeks with us before taking off again. I don't know where exactly she is now but I know she can take care of herself." Yelena explains and I let her words sink in.

Steve already told us in his letter, that Mom 'switched sides' but ever since then, I haven't thought about it any further. It doesn't undo what she did to me and how she treated me. I'm kinda glad to hear that she changed her mind and fought for what's right, in my opinion, but I wish she would have done that sooner because that would have avoided a few of the conflicts we had.

"She talked a lot about how bad she feels for what she did or didn't do and that she is worried that you might get hurt or lost or won't ever want to talk to her again. She missed you a lot." Yelena continues to tell me and I hum.

I'm not sure, how to feel about that. She might have treated me wrong and I won't just forget that but she is still my Mom and I do care about her.
I also understand that she is worried about me.
After that one letter, I didn't contact her at all anymore, so she knows nothing. The last thing she knew was that I am in London with Wanda, which is history now. Apart from not knowing how to contact her, I also don't feel like doing that, at least not now.
I probably could send Steve a message and ask him for her contact but I don't want to do that. We haven't switched the phone he gave us on since we left London. So, we haven't exactly kept him updated as he asked us to but it's going pretty well and I don't want to have to tell him how we're doing all the time. We are here, to bring some distance between us and the Avengers, at least for now.

"But is she alright?" I ask after a bit of silence and Yelena nods.

"The last time I texted with her, she told me she found a place to live where she won't be found. She also told me, to check on you. I don't know if she knows that I am able to contact you or if it's just an assumption." Yelena shrugs and I purse my lips in thought.

Mom always had a very good intuition, so she might have sensed it. I decide to switch the topic, not wanting to think about this any further.

"How are things otherwise back at home?" I ask. I'm aware that Yelena probably doesn't know much about what's going on with the Avengers but maybe she knows a bit.

"It's good. It's been pretty calm since...you know, but there were also no bad news. And in Ohio: I think Melina has now fully accepted that I live there. It took her a long time but that's okay, I can imagine that it's pretty difficult to get used to the idea of your daughter living with you again after not seeing her for two decades." Yelena tells me and I nod, thankful for the subtle mention of New York.

We talk more about her life with Melina and how their dynamic evolved and I am happy to hear, that it's going well. I tell her about Wanda's and my life and that we are managing it. She seems pretty impressed and I catch her smiling proudly while I talk.
She tells me that I'll do great in my final exams and I thank her before we drift off to other topics that are more random.

It feels really good to talk to her and there's a feeling of familiarity as she walks next to me.
My life was pretty much a mess for the past six month and especially since Wanda and I had to run.
We are far from home but with Yelena here, it feels a little more normal, almost as if nothing big changed. Hopefully, one day it doesn't need Yelena or someone else to feel normal.

And the longer I think about it, the more I can see Wanda and me staying in Scotland. It might be across the ocean but we are building up a life here and I honestly like it. It might be more stressful and less carefree but there is a different kind of freedom.
We aren't bound to the Avengers and Wanda doesn't have to go on missions, so she is by my side all the time, which is really nice because I don't have to worry about her getting hurt on a mission then. And one day, Ross won't search for us anymore and we can live more freely again. 

A/n: A special appearance from Yelena. :D

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3  

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