Chapter 11 - We don't talk about that...

Start from the beginning

Jisung finally a pulls away and sits back onto the bed to continue scrolling in his phone, avoiding eye contact with me while mumbling some curse words under his breath.

I sit back and relax as I too pull out my phone, an un read message left on my phone. I furrow my eyebrows and click on the contact

Bitch ass Hyunjin

- Is your nose okay?

Jisungs words replay in my mind as I stare down at the messages. A part of me actally thinking about it. But me and Hyunjin? That would be ridculous right?

Why the hell is my heart feeling so weird?

And why- and I mean this so fucking seriously- is the Hwang Hyunjin asking how I feel right now?


"Bye auntie! See you soon!" Hyunjin brightly smiles as he waves to my mother while I walk past him and out the door.

"Have a good one Hyunjin honey, you too Minnie baby!" My mom calls out from the door as the two of us take off for school. Her voice was just as bright as Hyunjins was, something I can't understand how one does at 7 in the morning.

Hyunjin knocks my shoulder as soon as my mother closes the door, a snicker echoing by my ear, "Hah! 'Minnie baby!' Did you hear that!?" The older teases, clutching his stomach as he tries to keep with, the now speed walking, me.

I don't respond and simply roll my eyes as Hyunjin catches up to me, still snickering to himself as he walks beside me.

I didn't want to acknowledge the way my heart was beating fast at the fact him and I were alone now. That text he sent was still drifting through my mind, making me feel even more awakwadd with every glance I took at him.

The two of us turn a corner, meaning we were about half way to school, when I suddenly feel suffocated. I calmly loosen my uniform tie, but it didn't help.

Before I knew it, the world was spinning. The sidewalk felt like it was infront of me as my sense of direction distorts.

"Minnie?" Hyunjins voice felt so distant even when I knew he was right next to me. The weird side eye he gave me was clear even in my shaky vision.

I could feel the hand that was soon placed on my shoulder, "Seungmin? The fuck? What's wrong with you?" Hyunjins distorted voice echoes in my ear. My eyes threatening to roll back while I hold on to the only sensation I could. Touch. Hearing. Hyunjin.

I manage to place both my hands on Hyunjins shoulders, the boy was worriedly trying to find my eyes but they were too lost. Hyunjin lets me lean my weight on him as we stand in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Seungmin should I call someone? Fuck is this because I punched you too hard!?" Hyunjin panics as I try to lean deeper into his touch, hold him harder as the world slowly began to clear.

The spinning slows and my eyes come back into focus. When I come to my senses, I look up and I'm met with Hyunjins face centimeters away from mine.

"Are you okay now?"

"AH!" I jump back, Hyunjins arms pulling off me, as the heat rises back to my cheeks. My lips press together when I realized what had occurred, hyunjjn just stood there looking stupid.

"Don't you 'ah' me!" Hyunjin says, embarrassed, "What the fuck happened!?"

I open my mouth in shock before looking back at my hands. I can't believe, fhat once fucking again, I've become vudnable infront of Hwang Hyunjin. Is this a tradition now?

"NOTHING!" I quickly blurt out before taking a deep breath, "nothing. that was an accident."

Hyunjin lifts an eyebrow at me, maybe I was still out of it but his eyes almost looked concerned for a second, before they immediately went back to the teasing ones he always had on. "I just showered bitch! I probably stink because of you now!"

"What-" I roll my eyes at him, " I don't stink you ferret!

"Yes you do you dog!"

"No I dont! I actually wash my butt crack in the shower! Unlike somebody!!!" I stick my tongue out at the older as I begin to continue down the path to school.

"YAH WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I DONT WASH MY BUTT CRACK!" Hyunjin calls from behind me, the whole neighborhood possibly hearing his question.

"dumbass." I mutter as a small giggle echoes my throat while I continue to walk. My pace slow as I try my best to ignore the aching pain in my head and the way my body felt heavy. My cheeks were still burning in embarrassment.

Fuck my horrendous luck!

I'm in love with the I Need U cover by Enhypen
It's actually on repeat their voices as just insane and making me bark at this point.

I mean-

Hope you enjoyed!

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