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Hey yo my fellow readers! 

This is basically gonna include some voice role plays me and my sis does. I know i know, 'How are you doing this? How are you making this?' 

Short answer: School iPad.

Anyways, you guys, my lovely readers, can ask me anything. From story ideas to questions or dares for SMG4 and my few Ocs! 

I just though I should make something like this so that way you guys aren't bored out of your mind since I can't update my other story, and I have writers block for the SMG34 story I made. I have a draft for it but I haven't finished it. I like my story's to be at least 2000 words or over.

Anyways, here are some of the ocs we have.




Teen Four and Three (16) and they are both brothers 

And maybe more...probably not. 

Without farther a do! Enjoy!

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