The Worst is Yet to Come

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Jimin lies on the table, coming down from his orgasm. He's been touched and violated and he came. He's incredibly confused about how he feels about this. He had a dick in his ass and it was the most incredible orgasm he's had in his entire life. But the orgasm was coerced and he feels violated.

A sudden cold memory tiptoes into his mind. Jungkook's hands also had touched him a few mornings ago. That seems so long ago. That had felt wrong and he had felt violated, but had he not violated Jungkook the same way? He remembers the way that 'the third one' had touched him. 'The third one' had been gentle, but Jimin had known from the first touch that 'the third one's' intentions were also to hurt him. Jungkook's touch had also been gentle, but the way he was touched by Jungkook has never felt unsafe, even when he was being touched without his permission.

Jimin's internal dialogue is distracted when he feels movement in the room, as air currents move cold air over his exposed skin. He lifts his head, attempting to look around. It's pointless and futile because his eyes are still covered in tape, of course. Whoever it is, is silent.

He hears the sound of something being picked up next to him. He had forgotten about whatever it was that was left beside him. There had been the cord that had been used by 'the third one' to choke him before and he wasn't sure what else was beside him.

Jimin feels the mystery object across his back as it bites into his skin. He cries out in shock and pain. He can feel the sting that is left behind and he is sure he can feel the skin welting in a perfect straight line. Then it comes again, the bite comes just above the last. Then again, just below the first. He cries out with each strike across his skin.

There is a short pause and then the process is repeated on the other side. Perhaps by a second person or perhaps the first person merely walked to the other side. Jimin can't and doesn't try to figure it out. He can only think from one pain to the next.

The process is repeated over and over from his shoulders to the top of his bottom. And it only stops when he can feel the trickle of liquid from his back. He's not sure if it is sweat or blood. His face is damp from tears and sweat, so his back could have a mixture of body fluids as well.

He waits. At first, he's unsure if it's simply trade from one side to the other and it is taking time, or if it is truly done. He doesn't dare to hope. But he feels the bonds on each of his ankles being released. His wrists are pulled forward and they too are freed from their hook but remain bound together.

Jimin is pulled to his feet where he stands for a few moments before crumpling to his knees, holding his tied hands out in front of him to brace against the floor. He's never hurt like this before in his entire life. He feels like an open wound.

The hopelessness of his situation seems to overwhelm him at this moment. His hurt, his fear, his uncertainty about his future, or if he even has one, pours out of him as tears slide down his cheeks. There is nothing he can do to stop them; the tears, the emotions, the others.

They're close. He can feel their warmth. He tilts his head up as if facing them would make all the difference. Then he feels it; a warm wet tongue across his left cheek which laps away the salty tears along his cheek. Then a second tongue swipes across his right cheek, lapping up tears and blood, from where his face was smashed into the table. He can feel their hot breath on his skin as they lick along his cheeks and in his hair as well.

Jimin is frozen in a mixture of confusion and horror. They continue to lap at his cheeks until they are satisfied with the results, whatever that may be, and then they move away from him. He's completely unsure as to what to do. He's left alone, kneeling on the floor, for the longest amount of time since he's been upstairs.

Then the first blow hits him across the right cheek. It knocks him off balance and he falls backward, unable to catch himself because of his bound wrists. He cries out in shock and pain as the open wounds of his back hit the rough concrete and his head smashes against it as well.

His wrists are grabbed by someone and he is pulled into a sitting position. While he's being held upright by one, the other one hits him hard in the ribs, below his nipples on the outside. His breath is knocked from his lungs by the blows. There is a slight slack in his wrists, then they are pulled up and over his head and he is dragged to his feet.

His trousers are pulled on, one foot at a time, by one while the other one balances him. Then his wrists are untied. His top is pulled down over his head, without care for his ravaged back. His back is suddenly wracked with pain and then continues to throb dully.

Each of them places a shoulder under one of his arms and lifts him, then they carry him from the white room with the concrete floor, down the hall, and the stairs. He hears the sound of metal on wood. Then the tape over his eyes is uncaringly pulled off. He is led to the center of the room and dropped like trash to the floor. The gray light of early morning filters down through the glass blocks.

Jimin lies on the ground, unmoving, and looks down at the cement, unwilling and unable to move. He hears them walking from the room and then the sound of metal on wood. He sees Jungkook's feet and feels him lift him and wrap his arms around him.

Jimin breathes in a deep shuddering breath and lets Jungkook's smell fill his lungs. Tears leak from his eyes as a wave of relief washes over him. He is safe in Jungkook's strong embrace. Jungkook's hands feel safe; they touch him, careful to avoid his back, and they wipe away the tears that spill down his cheeks. He trusts Jungkook's hands.

Jungkook nuzzles his neck and he can't think of anything but Jungkook's warm breath on his neck. He's so thankful to be back with Jungkook.

"Bed," Jungkook says just below his ear and pulls Jimin into a sitting position, then hoists him to his feet.

Jimin doesn't know how Jungkook has the strength to lift him, but he does at least enough to lift him to his feet and to help guide him to bed. Jungkook is careful to make sure Jimin lands on it face down.

After arranging Jimin in the bed, Jungkook climbs in and snuggles up next to him.

Jimin turns his face towards Jungkook, who moves slowly toward him.

Jungkook touches his forehead to Jimin's and Jungkook closes his eyes. "I'em so glaud you'er boak. I mist you," Jungkook says quietly.

Jimin stares at Jungkook's lips, the only things that aren't blurred with closeness. They lie with their foreheads pressed together for a few moments.

Then Jungkook tilts his head, bringing his lips even closer to Jimin's.

In response, Jimin closes his eyes and feels them brush gently against his own. They are soft, tender and sweet.

Jungkook moves away and begins carding his fingers through Jimin's hair and whispering nonsense words to him as Jimin drifts into unconsciousness.

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