Celebrating Halloween with the Bubble Guppies ft. Stylee

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About 3 months later, it was Halloween and we were all excited because Mr. Grouper was planning a big Halloween party and Stylee was coming to visit. Me and the rest of the guppies were playing. Hey guys.Are you guys excited for Halloween? I asked. Yeah. I am. I can't wait to carve pumpkins and go trick or treating. Goby said. Yeah. Me too. It's going to be so much fun. Oona said. Hey guys. Can you guys come to the main area of the school for a few minutes? I have a big surprise for you guys. Mr. Grouper said. Oh wow. A surprise? I can't wait to see what it is. I said. Yeah. Me too honey. Molly said. Let's go downstairs and see what Mr. Grouper has to say. Goby said. Okay Oona said. Come on sweetheart. Let's go downstairs and see what Mr. Grouper has to say. He has a big surprise for us. Zooli said. 

Okay Zooli. I'm coming. I said. So, we all went downstairs to the main area of the school where Mr. Grouper was waiting for us. Hello Mr Grouper. Grouper. Nonny said. Oh hey guys. I have a big surprise for you guys. Mr. Grouper said. Oh what is it Mr. Grouper? I asked. Since today is Halloween, I thought that we could celebrate by having a Halloween party. Mr. Grouper said. Oh wow. That sounds like fun. Deema said. Ooh. I can't wait to carve pumpkins and go trick or treating. Oona said. Yeah. Me too. I said.  Oh there is one more surprise for you guys. Mr. Grouper said. Oh really? What is it Mr. Grouper? Goby asked. Today, Stylee is coming to visit for Halloween. Mr. Grouper said. Oh yay! We get to see Stylee again. I said. Yeah. Her family is going to a Halloween party at their friends house and her parents said that Stylee is gonna spend Halloween with us. Mr. Grouper said.

Wow. That is the best news I've heard all day. Nonny said. Yeah. I agree with you Nonny. Deema said. So, what do we have to do to get ready for the Halloween party tonight? Molly asked. When Stylee gets here, we all have to go to the supermarket to get stuff for the Halloween party tonight and we have to go to the farmers market to get ourselves a big pumpkin to carve for Halloween tonight. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr.Grouper. I said. When is Stylee supposed to be here? Goby asked. She is supposed to be here around noon today.Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr Grouper. Nonny said. Come on honey. Let's go upstairs and hang out with each other for a while until Stylee gets here. Molly said. Okay Molly. I said. So, we all went upstairs to our bedroom and hung out with each other for a while. 

I'm so excited to see Stylee again. She is my favorite singer. I said. Yeah. Me too honey. Oona said. What should we do until she gets here? I asked. We could watch a movie until she gets here. Deema said. Okay Deema. That sounds like a good idea. Oona said. So, we all watched a movie for a few hours until Stylee arrived. But then, we heard a few knocks on the door. I wonder who that could be? I asked. I don't know. Let's go see. Gil said. So, me and the rest of the guppies went downstairs and headed to the main area of the school. When we all got there, we were so happy when we found out who it was. It was Stylee. My favorite singer from Big Bubble City. Stylee! I said with excitement. I was so happy that I ran into her arms and hugged her. Aww, hello there my sweet little rockstar. How are you sweetheart? Stylee asked while she kissed me on my cheeks. Oh Stylee, I'm so happy you are here. I said.

Me too. I'm so glad to see you again too Sweetheart. I missed you. Stylee said as she kissed me repeatedly. I missed you too Stylee. I said. Hello Stylee. It's nice to see you again. Mr. Grouper said. Hello Mr. Grouper. I'm here for the Halloween party celebration Stylee said. Okay great. We have to go to a few places to get a couple things first. Mr. Grouper said. Oh Okay. Where do we have to go? Stylee asked. We have to go to the supermarket to get stuff for dinner and stuff to bake a cake. Then, we have to go to the farmers market to get a big pumpkin to carve for Halloween tonight. Mr. Grouper said. Oh Okay. That will be cool. I've never been to the supermarket in BubbleTucky. I've always been going to the store in Big Bubble City. Stylee said. 

Oh Okay. Mr. Grouper said. The cashier there is a big fan of you. So he will be very happy to see you. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr Grouper. Stylee said. So, we all went went out to the car and headed to the supermarket to get stuff to make dinner and bake a cake for the Halloween party celebration tonight. After 30 minutes, we all arrived at the supermarket and Mr. Grouper had to park the car. Okay guys. Let's go inside the supermarket to get stuff for dinner and the cake for the Halloween party tonight. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr Grouper. Stylee said. So, Mr. Grouper and the rest of the guppies including me and Stylee went inside the supermarket. Oh hello again Mr. Grouper. The male cashier lobster said. Hello. Sir. Mr. Grouper said. And Stylee hello. I'm a huge fan of you. The male cashier lobster said. Oh thank you very much. That is very kind of you. Stylee said. 

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