The BubbleTucky Blizzard

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A week later, We were all just relaxing in the preschool and we were all playing with Bubble Puppy. Things were going just fine but Mr. Grouper got a winter weather advisory. So, he had to tell us the news. Hey guys. I need you to come to the main area. I have something important to say to you all. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr Grouper. Gil said. We're coming. Oona said. Come on honey, Mr. Grouper has something to say to us. It's very important. Oona said. Okay Oona. I'm coming. I said.

So, we all went to the main room of the school where Mr. Grouper was waiting for us. Good morning everyone. I'm pretty sure that you guys have noticed the gray clouds outside this morning. Mr. Grouper said. We sure did. What's going on Mr. Grouper? Goby said. Guys, I have something important to say to you all. Mr. Grouper said. What is it Mr. Grouper? I asked. Guys, there is a massive blizzard heading this way. And it's going to be a pretty big one. Mr Grouper said. Wow. I love blizzards. I Said.

Yeah. Me too. Gil said. How much are they calling for? Deema asked. According to my weather app, they are calling for at least a good 8 inches of snow here. Mr. Grouper said. Wow. That's a lot. Nonny said. Yeah. It sure is Nonny. That's why I brought you all here. Mr. Grouper said. So, when is this storm supposed to be coming? I asked. It's supposed to be here later on this afternoon. Mr. Grouper said. Oh okay. I hope we get to play in the snow. Molly said. Yeah. That will be pretty fun. Gil said. Oh you will once the storm calms down. Mr. Grouper said.

Okay. What should we do in the mean time? Goby asked. We should go out and get us some warm winter clothes. And we also got to go to the supermarket to get stuff for hot chocolate. Mr. Grouper said.  Ooh. I love hot chocolate. I said. Yeah. Me too. Gil said. Some hot chocolate sounds really good right now. I said. I agree with you sweetie. Oona said. Then, Goby swam up and looked out the window. Wow! Look at these clouds. They are really dark. Goby said. Yeah. I see that. We have to get going. We have to be back here before the storm hits. Mr. Grouper said.

Okay Mr Grouper. I said. So, we all headed to the car. Wow! It's really dark our here. Molly said. Yeah it sure is. Mr. Grouper said. It looks like night. I said. Yeah. I know. We have to get going though and hurry back here quickly. The snow storm will be here by noon. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr Grouper. Molly said. So, we all quickly got into the car and headed to the supermarket. Is everybody ready to go? Mr. Grouper asked. 

Yes. I said. Okay let's go. Mr. Grouper said. So, we all made our way to the supermarket. Wow. Look at the signs. They are all saying winter weather ahead. Be aware and drive carefully. Goby said. Yeah. They are trying to warn everyone on the road about the incoming storm. Mr. Grouper said. Okay. I said. A half hour later, we arrived at the supermarket. But as we were heading into the supermarket, Molly noticed their first snowflakes starting to fall. Mr. Grouper look. It's starting to snow. Molly said. Oh wow. I see that. This storm must be moving in quicker than I thought. Mr. Grouper said. 

Okay guys. We have to hurry and get our hot chocolate stuff and get out of here. We don't want to be stick in this storm. Mr. Grouper said. So, we all hurried into the supermarket. Hello Mr Grouper. The male worker lobster said. Good morning sir. We are here to get hot chocolate. Mr. Grouper said. Okay right this way. Thank you sir. I really wish we had time to chat but we gotta get get out of here. There is a massive blizzard heading this way. Mr. Grouper said.

Okay Mr. Grouper. I just saw the first flakes already starting to fall. The male worker lobster said. Yeah I know. Molly saw the first flakes already starting to fall as we were heading in here. Mr. Grouper said. Wow. This storm is coming in fast. The male worker lobster said. Yeah. Then blizzard is coming in much quicker than I thought. Mr. Grouper said. Yeah. It was supposed to hit the city around noon. The male worker lobster said. Yeah. But I can already see the wind already starting pick up. Gil said. Okay. You guys better head out of here before the storm gets too bad. The male worker lobster said.

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