My 6th Birthday/The big birthday party

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1 month later, on the 7th of February was my 6th Birthday. So, Mr. Grouper and the Bubble Guppies are planning a big birthday party for me. Hey Isaac. Happy birthday. Molly said. Hey thanks Molly. So, what are we doing for my party today. I asked. Mr. Grouper and the rest of us are planning a big birthday party for you since you are turning 6 years old today. Molly said.

Oh wow. That's Awsome. I can't wait! I said. A half hour later, everyone else was awake. Good morning Isaac. Mr. Grouper said. And happy birthday. Mr. Grouper said. Happy birthday buddy. Goby said. Thanks guys. I said. It means A lot to me. Then, Oona came up to me and hugged me very tightly. Happy birthday honey. Oona said. Then, she kissed me. Aww, I think Oona likes you. Nonny said.

Aww, that was very sweet of you Oona. Deema said. Haha. I'm his best friend. Oona said. Okay guys. Let's head to the store to get some birthday party decorations and stuff. We gotta get things set up for the big birthday party. Mr. Grouper said. So, we all headed to the store to get some party decorations and some gifts for my big party.

Hello, welcome to the BubbleTucky retail store. Sallie the female lobster said. Hello we are here to pick up gifts and party decorations for Isaac's big birthday party today. Oh nice how old is he turning today? He's gonna be six years old today. Molly said. How nice. The party items are in isle 5. The female lobster said. Okay. Thanks Sallie. Mr. Grouper said. No problem. Mr. Grouper. Sallie the female lobster said.

So, we headed to aisle 5 to get the party decorations and gifts. I can't wait to celebrate your birthday today. Gil said. Yeah. Me too Gil. This is going to be the best party ever. I said. Mr Grouper got all of the party decorations and gifts that we need. Okay. I think that's all of the party decorations and gifts that we need. Mr. Grouper said. What else do we need? Goby asked. 

The cake of course. Oona said. Oh yeah. That's right Oona. We still have to get the cake. Mr. Grouper said. So, we all proceeded to the check out line to pay for the gifts and party decorations for my big birthday party today. Hello. Mr. Grouper. You have a lot of gifts and party decorations. Is it for something special? Matt the cashier asked. Oh yeah. It's actually Isaac's 6th Birthday today and we are throwing a big birthday party for him today. Mr. Grouper said.

Ooh. That sounds like fun. Is he a guppy? I have never seen a guppy like him before. Matt the male cashier said. Oh yeah. He's actually from another city above the surface. His parents abandoned and left him all alone on the beach late at night during the summer. He accidentally dropped his father's bucket and shovel and it got washed away by the ocean So his parents were really mad at him and they left him all alone on the beach when he was five years old. Mr. Grouper said.

Wow. I'm really sorry to hear that. Matt the male cashier said. Well, luckily Bubble Puppy spotted him all alone on the beach when we were playing outside. So, we had to go up to the surface and rescue him and we brought him back to BubbleTucky to live with us. Luckily his parents were arrested and charged with Child abuse and child endangerment. They will be executed next month. Molly said.

Well, I'm glad that he is safe with you guys. Matt the male cashier said. So, Mr. Grouper paid for everything and we headed out to get the cake. Have a good day Mr. Grouper. I also want to wish your new guppy a happy birthday. Matt the male cashier said. Thank you Matt. You too. Have a nice day. Mr. Grouper said. Well, that's taken care of. Deema said. Now we just need to get the cake. Oona said. Yep. And the bakery is right across the street from the BubbleTucky retail store. Mr. Grouper said.

So, we all headed to the bakery to get the birthday cake. Hello Mr. Grouper. Frank the baker lobster said. Hello. Mr. Grouper said. So, what can I get you guys today? Frank the baker lobster asked. I would like one birthday cake please. Mr. Grouper said. Okay. Here you are. One birthday cake. Frank the baker lobster said. Thank you so much. Mr. Grouper said. Who's birthday is it today? Frank the baker lobster asked.

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