My deceased parent's ghosts nightmare/The Bubble Guppies calm me down.

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So an hour later into the night, I was having a really bad nightmare. There dream started inside of my old house that I used to live in. I walking around the house and it was unusually quiet in the house. This gave me an uneasy feeling like I was being watched. Hello is anyone there. I asked in a shaky voice. Get out of here! You are not supposed to be here Isaac! James said in a ghostly whisper. Omg! Where is that coming from? I asked. So, I made my way upstairs trying to find the source of the sound. Then, I heard something fall right next to me.

I knew it was coming from my sister's room. So, I opened the door and went inside. But as I went inside, I made saw something that made me almost vomit. It was the rotting corpse of my sister. So, I ran out of the room and into another room. When, I turned my flashlight on, I noticed that I was in the attic which was the most haunted room in the house. Then, I heard the voices of my parents again. 

Isaac! Get out of here now before we kill you! Emma said. I started getting really scared so, I tried to run away but then, two ghostly black figures were blocking my path. Hey who are you two? What are you doing here? I asked in a shaky voice. But then,the two figures turned around and I noticed that they were my parents but much creepier and completely unrecognizable. I could barely could even tell if they were my parents because they were so creepy looking. Guys! What happened to you? I asked in a shaky voice. You did this to us! You now gonna pay! James said. The two figures opened their mouths wider than anyone could which made my skin crawl. Then, they ran toward me.

No! Get away from me! I said. I got out of the attic and tried to run out of the house, but it was no use. The spirits caught me and jumped on top of me trying to hurt me. But before they could hurt me, I woke up screaming in bed which caused Oona and Molly to wake up concerned about me. Woah! Are you alright? Honey? Molly asked. I just had a bad nightmare! I said crying. Oh no. I'm so sorry sweetie. Oona said. I got really scared so Oona and Molly hugged me. 

But then, Mr. Grouper and the rest of the guppies rushed upstairs after hearing me scream.  Guys, are you alright? We just heard Isaac scream. Goby said. Isaac just had a horrible nightmare. Oona said. Oh no. I'm so sorry. Mr. Grouper said. What was it about Isaac? Goby asked. It was about me being inside of my old house with my ghosts of my parents. I said while shaking. Oh no. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Goby said. 

My parents were trying to kill me because I wasn't supposed to be in the house. I said. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry that happened to you. Nonny said. Isaac, your parents are not gonna hurt you. They were executed 2 months ago. Goby said. Yeah. I agree with you Goby. Isaac, no one is going to hurt you. Deema said. I then started breathing heavily. Here let us wrap our arms around you to help you calm down. Nonny said

So, the guppies got into bed with me and each of them wrapped their arms around me including Oona. You're gonna be okay Isaac. You have nothing to be afraid of. The ghosts of your parents are not gonna hurt you. They are not real. Ghosts don't  exist. We will protect you. I promise. Gil said. I think this happened because of the circus clown earlier. I said.

I know honey. But don't worry we won't be going to any circus events for a while. Me along with your other favorite guppies will keep you safe. Molly said. Just try to relax. Everything will be alright. Goby said. You Don't need to scared. Just let the guppies cuddle you. Mr Grouper said. Yeah. We will not let go of you. You're safe with us. Nonny said. The soothing sound of Nonny's voice sent a chill down my spine.

Oh my gosh. I said. Are you okay? Nonny asked. Yes. I said getting the chills again. I think Isaac likes the sound of your voice Nonny. Mr. Grouper said.  There There. Your gonna be alright. Just left the sound of my voice calm you down. Nonny said. Okay. I said. So, the Bubble Guppies continued to hug me until I calmed down. There. You don't need to be frightened anymore honey. Hush. Molly said as she was cuddling with me. After a few minutes, I finally calmed down a bit. Are you okay now? Goby asked. Yeah. I think so. I said. I'm really sorry that you had a bad dream honey. Oona said. 

But you're safe now. We are not leaving you. Molly said. Thank you Nonny. Your voice is very soothing. I said. Thank you. I'm glad my voice calmed you down. Nonny said. You should do that to me more often Nonny. I said. Aww, of course. I would be happy to. Nonny said. It's like 2 in the morning. We should probably go back to sleep. Goby said. Yeah. You guys have a long day of you tomorrow. Mr Grouper said. 

Can we all spend the rest of the night with Isaac tonight? Goby asked. Yeah. I think that's a good idea. I don't want him having anymore nightmares during the night. Mr. Grouper said. Thank you so much. Deema said. No problem guys. Now get some sleep. You have a busy day tomorrow. We are going to have a doctor to come to the preschool and give Isaac a check up to figure out why Isaac gets so scared so much. Mr. Grouper said. Okay. Mr. Grouper. Goby said. are

Okay Isaac, me and the rest of the guppies are gonna be sleeping with you guys for the rest of the night so you don't have any more bad dreams during the night. Gil said. Okay guys. So, Gil along with the rest of the Bubble Guppies crawled into bed with me and Oona to make sure that I do not have any more bad dreams during the night. So, Mr. Grouper went to his room and we all drifted off back to sleep after my unexpected horrific nightmare.

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