Getting out of the hospital/My out of hospital celebration

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The next morning, we all were all still in the hospital waiting for my results. I was getting tired of being in the hospital. I just wanted to get out of the hospital and get back to the preschool. Man, being in the hospital really sucks. I just want to go back to the preschool and play. I said. Yeah. I know but we still have to wait until the doctor gets the test results back. Mr. Grouper said. I wonder how much longer that will be? I asked. Oh, I'm sure that it won't be too much longer sweetheart. Zooli said as she kissed me. Thank you for that Zooli. I said. No problem sweetheart. Zooli said. 

Hey, maybe when we get out of the hospital, we can have a little celebration party back at the preschool. Molly said. Yeah. We could bake a cake for you when we all get back. Gil said. Yeah. I agree with you Gil.  Oona said. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. Mr. Grouper said. But we do need to go to the store to get some things. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr Grouper. Goby said. A few minutes later, the doctor came in to check on me. Hey guys. How are you guys doing this morning? The Doctor asked.

Tired of being in this hospital. I said. Yeah. I know. We should have your results back soon and you should be discharged from the hospital and go back to the preschool. The doctor said. I wonder how much longer that will be? Molly asked. It shouldn't take too much longer. The doctor said. Okay thank goodness. I'm tired of laying in this hospital bed. I said. We all laughed. I'm gonna get you guys some breakfast while we do some final tests. The doctor said. Okay. Thank you so much doctor. Me and the rest of the guppies can't wait to get out of here. Mr. Grouper said. Yeah. Me too. I can't wait to be back in the preschool again. I said. Yeah. I agree with you sweetie. Oona said.

Yeah. I'm tired of sitting in this hospital. Nonny said. So, the doctor went to get our breakfast and we decided to watch some TV for a while. Okay guys. Let's watch some TV until the doctor comes back with our food. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. Goby said. So, we all watched TV for a while until the doctor came back with our food. A few minutes later, the doctor came back in with our food. Okay guys. I made you guys pancakes. I will have the results in a half hour. The doctor said. Okay thank you so much doctor. Mr. Grouper said. No problem guys. See you guys in a little bit with the results. The doctor said. Okay. See you later. Mr. Grouper said.

So, the doctor left to get the test results and we were all relieved that we were not going to be stuck in this hospital all day like yesterday. I am so excited to get back to the preschool and doing what we all love the most. I said. Yeah. Me too honey. Molly said. I am so ready to get back to the preschool because I miss being in the preschool. Gil said. Yeah. I agree with you Gil. Goby said. After a half hour, the doctor came back with my results. Oh hello Doctor. Mr. Grouper said. Hello Mr Grouper. I am happy to say that we finally got the results back. The doctor said. Oh thank goodness. That is very good news. Mr. Grouper said. 

Guys. The doctor finally got the results back. Mr. Grouper said. Yay. Thank goodness. Zooli said. So, what are his results? Mr. Grouper asked.  Well, according to the results, he has mal nutrition syncope which is a condition caused by not getting enough nutrients in your body. The doctor said. Oh no. That's terrible. Mr. Grouper said. Yeah. It's no wonder Isaac passed out this morning. Oona said. How can we prevent this from happening again? Mr. Grouper asked. Well, you should make that he eats enough sugar otherwise we will pass out again. The doctor said.Okay. We will make sure that he eats enough sugar. Mr. Grouper said.

Okay. That's good. Just make sure that he does not eat too much sugar though. The doctor said. Okay we will. Oh and we are going to have a big celebration once we get back to the preschool from the hospital. Mr. Grouper said. Ooh. That sounds like fun. The doctor said. You guys will be discharged from the hospital after lunch time. The doctor said. Okay thank you so much doctor. Mr. Grouper said. You're welcome. The doctor said. So, the doctor left to get our papers and we were all relieved to be going back to the preschool. 

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