Meeting Zooli the New guppy

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2 weeks later, we all were watching a movie and Mr. Grouper was reading his news paper but then, Mr. Grouper got a call from some parents that a new guppy was joining our Class. Hey guys. I have some awesome news to tell you guys. Mr. Grouper said. Oh really? What is it? I asked. Yeah. What's going on Mr. Grouper? Molly asked. Today, we have a new student joining our Class. Mr. Grouper said. Oh who is it? I asked. She's a girl and her name is Zooli. Ooh. I can't wait to meet her. I said. 

Yeah. Me too. Molly said. When is she gonna get here? Deema asked. She will be here later today. Mr. Grouper said. Oh cool. I'm really excited to meet her. Gil said. Yeah. I'm excited too. Goby said. Mr. Grouper,are you gonna tell her what happened to Isaac when she gets here? Because I'm pretty sure she will ask about Isaac being with us. Gil said. Yeah. I will tell her all about it when she gets here. Mr. Grouper said. Okay. Mr. Grouper. Gil said. Do you think she is gonna like me? I asked. Aww, I 'm sure she will. I'm sure You will become best friends with her. Mr.Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. I said.

Also try to keep in mind that she was really nice and she is a kisser. She will be really happy to see you guys just let her kiss you guys. Mr. Grouper said. And also, she will also kiss you whenever you have nightmares or whatever. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr Grouper. I said. So,what should we do until she gets here? I asked. We could finish watching our movie. Molly said. Okay that sounds good. I said. So, we all continued watching our movie until we were bored. Hey guys. I'm getting quite bored now. What should we do? I asked.

Well, Zooli will be here soon. So, let's go outside for a while. Gil said. Okay. Good idea. Gil. Goby said. So, we all went outside to play for a while until Zooli gets here. I was playing on the swing with Oona. Molly and Gil were playing in the sandbox. Goby and Deema were on the slide. And Nonny was playing with the ball in the grass. I can't wait to meet Zooli. I said. Yeah. Me too. Oona said. If Zooli asks sweetie, just tell her that I'm your girlfriend. Oona said. Okay Oona.  So, we all played outside for an hour until Mr. Grouper called us in to meet  Zooli. Hey guys. Zooli is here. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. We are coming. Molly said. Come on honey. Let's go meet Zooli. Molly said. Okay. Coming. I said.

So, we all went inside and Zooli was with Mr Grouper. Okay Zooli. Introduce yourself. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. Zooli said. Hello. My name is Zooli. It's so nice to meet you guys. Zooli said. Hey Zooli. I'm Molly. It's nice to meet you. Molly said. Aww, It's nice to meet you too Molly. Come here. Zooli said. Zooli leaned on Molly and kissed her on both cheeks. Aww, that was very sweet. Molly said. Zooli did the same for all of the other guppies. 

See I told you guys that she was very nice. Mr. Grouper said. Wow. I never knew that Zooli was so nice. I said. Yeah. She really must have a caring personally. I said. Oh who do we have here? Zooli asked. Oh That's Isaac He was the newest guppy before you came along. Mr. Grouper said. Oh well hello there little guy. Zooli said. Hello. I said.  I'm Isaac. I said. I'm actually live in BubbleTucky with the Bubble Guppies now. I said. Oh why is that sweetheart? Zooli asked.  

Oh speaking of that, We actually had to rescue him from the beach when Bubble Puppy found him on the beach. Mr. Grouper said. Oh no. What happened? Zooli said in a very concerned voice. Well, His parents were really mad at him because he accidentally dropped his father's bucket and shovel near the ocean and they got washed away by the ocean and th enjoy his parents punished him by abandoning and leaving him on the beach all alone late at night. He was so scared because his parents told him that they would throw him in a sewer where Pennywise the clown lives and the clown would take him away to never been seen again. His dad also punched him in the arm. Mr. Grouper said.

Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. Zooli said. You poor thing. Zooli hugged me tightly. Oh sweetheart I'm really sorry that happened to you Isaac. Come here. Zooli said. Zooli then kissed me 5 times. Oh wow. Thanks Zooli. But i'm safe with the Bubble Guppies now and my parents were executed recently too. I said. Okay. That's a relief. I'm glad you are safe here in BubbleTucky. Zooli said. Are you gonna be staying with us now? I asked. Yeah. I am. I can't wait to see what adventures we will have together. Zooli said. Yeah. Me too Zooli. I said. Well, we are glad to have you here. Mr. Grouper said.

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