The Strange Blue lights in BubbleTucky/The Bubble Guppies comfort me

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The next day, we all were relaxing and watching tv and just enjoying ourselves but then, Mr. Grouper spotted something weird going on with the BubbleTucky power Grid. Um, What is going on outside? Mr. Grouper asked. Then, we noticed Mr. Grouper was worried about something. So, we all went over to the window to see what was wrong. Mr. Grouper, are you Okay? You look worried. Molly said. Guys, something weird is going on with the city's power grid right now. Mr. Grouper said. What? Really? Goby asked. Yes. Look outside. Mr. Grouper said. So, we all looked outside and noticed that the some of the lights in the city have changed color.

What? Why did the lights all of a sudden change color? Gil asked. Yeah. The lights are blue. Oona said. This is not normal. I said. Yeah. I agree with you Isaac. Deema said. The lights should not be able to do that. We do not have LED lights in the city. Molly said. Yeah. I know. This is not normal. Mr. Grouper said. We need to figure out what in the world is going on because I have never seen anything like this. Nonny said. Yeah. Me neither. Zooli said. But then, the lights in the preschool turned blue which made me freak out and get scared. Oh my God! Our lights are blue now! I said. I know. Kiddo. No need to freak out. I know that startled you. But we need to figure out what on earth is happening with the power grid. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. I said.

But then,  the Emergency Alert system came on and it made me jump. Uh oh. This doesn't sound good. Molly said. Then, the attention tones are played followed by a message. The following message is transmitted at the request of the BubbleTucky police department and the BubbleTucky electric power company. At approximately 9:00 A M Eastern daylight time, there were several reports that several light sources in the area have unexpectedly changed into a deep dark blue color. At this time, it is currently unknown why this is happening but the BubbleTucky electric power company along with the BubbleTucky police department are looking into the situation.

All citizens of BubbleTucky are to remain indoors and to venture outside by any means necessary. We will have more information once it because available. Please stay tuned to your favorite news source for further information on this unusual situation. Then, the message concludes followed by the end tones then, the TV switched back to the channel that we were watchdog earlier. Wow. I have never even heard a message like that on the Emergency Alert system. I said. I know. Me neither sweetheart. I know that it's a bit startling hearing a massage about our lights turning blue. But try your best to stay calm. Zooli said. I know. I've never seen this happen before. I said.

Yeah. We understand Isaac just try to relax and try not to think about it Okay? Goby said. Okay Goby. I said. A few minutes later, about every single light in the city of BubbleTucky had turned into a deep dark blue color. When I saw this, I got really scared and I thought that the entire city was gonna freeze. So, I started breathing really heavily. Oh my God! All of the lights in the city of BubbleTucky are blue! I'm scared! I feel like the entire city of BubbleTucky was gonna freeze! I said while shaking. Oh. It's okay Isaac. I know your scared right now. The city is not gonna freeze over! There is just probably just a malfunction with the power grid. There is nothing to be afraid of. Mr. Grouper said.

Okay. I still feel a little bit shaken up. I said trembling in fear. Oh. Honey. It It's okay. We are right here with you Honey. Molly said. There is nothing to be scared of honey. I know that you were not expecting this to happen. Molly said. Yeah. None of us were appalled by this usual event. But it will pass. I promise you. Goby said. Okay Goby. I said with still a bit of shaking in my voice. Aww, buddy. Come here. Cuddle on me. Nonny said. Okay Nonny I said. So, I cuddled up on Nonny and the rest of the guppies joined in. There you go sweetheart. Just relax. Zooli said. Don't focus on the lights. Everything will be just fine. Zooli said. Okay Zooli

but as we were cuddling, another Emergency Alert came on. Oh no. Not again. I said. Okay. Guys. Just listen to the message to see what it has to say. Maybe it's an update to this ongoing blue light incident. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. Oona said. Then, the TV switched to the Emergency Alert system screen and the attention tones played followed by another message. The following message is transmitted at the request of the BubbleTucky police department and the BubbleTucky electric power company. At approximately 12:00 PM Eastern standard time, the situation with the blue lights in BubbleTucky has worsened. These blue lights are now being reported all across the entire city of BubbleTucky and it was reported in Big Bubble City.

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