The Big Camping trip with Zooli/My scary wake up hallucination

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The next day, me and and the rest of the guppies along with the newest guppy Zooli were playing in our room and Mr. Grouper was in his room packing up a few things. Because we were all planning to go camping in the campsite in downtown BubbleTucky. Hay guys. What's going on next door? I asked. It sounds like Mr. Grouper is packing up a bag for something. Molly said. Do you want to go see what's going on? Gil asked. Sure Gil. Zooli said. So, we all went to Mr. Grouper where he was packing up a few clothes for a night. Hey guys. Mr. Grouper said.

Hey Mr. Grouper. what are you doing? Molly asked. Oh. I'm packing up a few things because we are going camping in the campsite in downtown BubbleTucky. Mr. Grouper said. Oh wow. That sounds like fun. I've always wanted to go camping. I said. Yeah. I agree with you. Isaac. Zooli said. Go ahead and go pack up a few things. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. Goby said. Yay! We are going camping. Deema said. So, what do we need to pack up for the night? Zooli asked. I do not think we need too much, because we are only going for a night. Nonny said. Okay Nonny. Zooli said. 

So, we all got our stuff packed up and we headed back downstairs where Mr. Grouper was packing up some food to take with us in the cooler. Mr. Grouper, we are all packed and ready to go camping. I said. Oh wow. Nice job guys. I'm just packing up the cooler and also putting some drinks in the cooler to bring with us in case we get thirsty. Mr. Grouper said. Okay. That's a good idea Mr. Grouper. Gil said. I also packed up flashlights for us so we can go exploring. Mr. Grouper said. Okay. That's nice. Zooli said. So, when are we going? Goby asked. We will be heading out to the campsite after lunch. Mr. Grouper said.

Okay. Sounds like a plan. Molly said. Hey guys. Let's go upstairs for a while until lunch time. Goby said. Okay. Nonny said. So, we all went upstairs for a while until it was lunch time. I'm really excited to go camping with you guys tonight. I said. Yeah. Me too. I can't wait to have smores. Goby said. Yeah. I can't wait to tell ghost stories. Deema said. Ooh. That will be fun. Zooli said. After 30 minutes of chatting, it was time for lunch. Okay guys. It's time for lunch. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. We are coming. Zooli said. Come on sweetheart, it's time for lunch. Zooli said. Okay. Coming Zooli. So, we all went downstairs with our bags ready for camping.

Okay guys. We are having hotdogs for lunch. Mr. Grouper said. Oh yum. I love hotdogs. Zooli said. Yeah. Me too. I said. So, we all ate our hotdogs and we decided to head out to the campsite. Okay guys. Let's head out to the campsite. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. Molly said. So, we all headed out to the campsite in downtown BubbleTucky. I'm really excited to go camping tonight. I said. Yeah. Me too sweetie. Oona said. I can't wait to see up our tents. Zooli said. Yeah. Me too. Molly said. I can't wait to roast marshallows. Nonny said. Yeah. Me too. Goby said. About 20 minutes later, we arrived at the campsite and unloaded everything. Okay guys. We're here. Mr Grouper said.

Yay. Zooli said. Let's go get some sticks for the fire. Gil said. Good idea Gil. Molly said. So, we spent 30 minutes looking for sticks. Okay. I think we should have enough. Molly said. Okay good. Let's bring these to Mr. Grouper Deema said. Mr. Grouper, we all found some sticks for the campfire. Goby said. Okay nice work you guys. Mr. Grouper said. I just finished pitching up our tents which took an hour. Wow. Nice Mr. Grouper. Oona said. Thanks guys. Mr. Grouper said. So, Mr. Grouper  lit up the fire and he put some kabobs on the campfire.

After 30 minutes, the kabobs were ready. Okay guys. The kabobs are ready. Mr. Grouper said. Okay. Mr. Grouper. Oona said. So, we all had kabobs and chips for dinner. Yum. These kabobs are really good. I said. Yeah. I agree. Molly said. I love camping. Zooli said. Yeah. Me too. Gil said. So, we all ate our dinner and decided to go exploring during the night. But by this time, it was already getting dark. Okay guys. Let's go ahead and go exploring in these woods. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. Molly said. Come on honey. Let's go exploring and see what we can find. Oona said. Okay. But what if there is a monster?  I asked. Sweetie, there is no such thing as monsters. Oona said.

Bubble Guppies: My New Life in BubbleTucky With The Bubble GuppiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora