Home time.

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It's been 2 days since Rosalie has been born. I'm having a bath today, i'm also getting out of the hospital. Lip helps me into the bath after he's ran it for me.

I have a relaxing hour in the shower, i was my hair and then wrap a towel around me and Lip helps me out because i'm still sore. I then put some comfy sweats on and i brush my hair and then do some makeup to feel a bit better.

I walk back into the room to see Lip dressing Rosalie and shes smiling at him. I smile at them. Then i see he put her in the cute outfit he bought her yesterday.

I then kiss Lip and then Lip puts her in the car seat after I gave him my savings to buy a car, leaving some left to buy stuff for her.

I carefully walk out of the hospital and Lip puts the car seat in the back and i sit next to her, to keep an eye on her. Lip drives back home and then walks in with the car seat and i walk in behind him. I see Ian and Mickey sat on the couch.

"hey boys." I smile.

"you're home!" Ian smiles, he gets up and hugs me gently.

"i am, i'll speak soon. She needs breast feeding." I say.

"you can stay in here for that." Mickey smirks.

I giggle and then slightly push his head, i go upstairs to mine and Lip's room. I see a Moses basket with a pink blanket in it, lots of bottles, breast pumps, nappies, clothes, dummies, hats, shoes, little pillows and a stroller.

"oh my god, Lip." I say smiling, i see him lay on the bed whilst Rosalie is in the Moses basket.

He smiles as he sees my reaction, i carefully get on the bed next to him and kiss him. Then Rosie starts crying.

"come on baby." I say getting up, i pick her up after pulling my top down. I carefully place her in my arms as I breastfeed her.

It kind of hurts and it makes my tits sore. That's why i'm gonna start using the breast pumps soon.

"ow." I say.

"you okay?" Lip asks.

"yeah, it just hurts a bit." I say.

"wanna start using the breast pump?" Lip asks.

"in like a week or so." I reply, he kisses my cheek and then gets up.

"where are you going?" I ask.

"AA meeting with brad." Lip replies.

"okay, i love you." I say.

"i love you more." Lip says, then he walks out.

I carefully put my breast back in my shirt, i then start bouncing Rosie until she falls asleep. I then go downstairs and get some apple juice.

"hey." Ian says.

"youse still sat there?" I ask.

"yeah, you look tired." Mickey says.

"gee, thanks." I say, then i flip him off.

I keep the baby monitor on me so i can hear if she cries and i can also see her on it.

"ow." I say, sitting in the middle of Mickey and Ian.

"you okay?" Ian asks, resting his head on my shoulder.

"yeah, just sore. Everywhere." I say.

"go for a massage or something, we can watch Rosie." Ian says.

"i can't leave her. I of course trust youse, you more than Mickey, but i can't leave her yet." I say.

They understandably nod then I hear crying, i sigh before getting up.

"see youse later." I say, ruffing both their hairs up.

I walk into the room to see Rosie crying, i then pick her up and lean her head on my shoulder as i bounce up and down, rubbing her back.

"your okay, baby." I say.

Then Lip walks in, he smiles and walk over to us. He takes Rosie from me and bounces up and down with her.

"she can't be hungry i just fed her." I say.

"maybe she needs changing." Lip says.

I nod and get the changing mat, Lip then gently places her on it and changes her.

"we're going to bath her tonight." I say and Lip nods.

I then take Rosie and place her in my arm as I walk downstairs.

"hey." I say to Carl and Debbie.

"hi, she's beautiful." Debbie says.

I smile and kiss her forehead before doing the same with Carl. I then sit on the couch next to Liam.

"hey baby boy." I say.

"hi." He mumbles.

"you okay?" I ask.

"baby?" Liam asks.

"yes, this is my baby girl. Lip's daughter." I say.

"baby!" Liam says happily.

I smile at him, tearing up. I still have the hormones from the pregnancy.

Later on, me and Lip bath Rosie then put her jammies on and then put her to bed after breastfeeding her.

"she's finally asleep." Lip says walking downstairs.

"thank you." I say and then he passes me the baby monitor.

I put it on the table before me and Lip cuddle on the couch watching the TV.

"we did such a good job with her." Lip says.

"i know, she's beautiful." I say.

"She looks like her mommy." Lip says.

I smile and then kiss him on the Lips. Then Fiona walks through the front door.

"shh, we just got her to sleep." Lip says.

"sorry." Fiona whispers.

"how was your night?" I ask.

"Good, me and Gus are on good terms again." Fiona says.

"good." I say, smiling.

"bed time." Lip says.

"night Fi." I say.

Then me and Lip go upstairs to bed, we cuddle before falling asleep.

Hannah Austin x Lip Gallagher love story. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon