A bottle of Jean Nate

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Me, Ian and Fiona are in the kitchen when Lip walks down.

"You guys still not talking?" Fiona asks.

Then there's a massive bang, Carl comes down the laundry shoot. We all jump.

"Dude!" Lip says.

"Carl!" I shout.

"what the fuck?" Ian says.

"Holy crap! Why have i never done that before?" Carl says.

"You have to much time on your hands. Summer school next year. How's your head?" Fiona ask, holding his head.

"Little dizzy." Carl says.

"You're fine. Go have some breakfast." Fiona says, Carl walks away smirking.

"How much in the winter squirrel fund?" Lip asks.

"Just over nine grand." Fiona says.

"That's all we made to get us through winter?" Ian ask.

"Frank screwed us when he gave Liam away. There was that new compressor for the fridge." Fiona says. 

"The stuff for Liam's infection. Mwah!" Lip says kissing Liam's head, i smile at them.

"Everyone needs to get winter jobs." Fiona says.

"School supplies and clothing. Nothing else. No candy, drugs or concert tickets. I want receipts." Fiona says, giving each of us money.

"What if the drugs are really good?" Jasmine asks, walking out from the downstairs bathroom.

"You're still here?" Fiona asks with a slight smile.

"I got caught up reading a magazine." Jasmine says, holding up a magazine.

"Hey, that's mine." Debbie says, snatching it off her.

"Debs, i need you to find the backpacks and any old school books. Carl, put the daycare supplies in the basement." Fiona says.

"Lip, Ian and Han. You three are cleaning the pool. I think there's a few surprises in there."  Fiona adds on.

"Carl, tell Lip to do it himself." Ian says.

"Lip, Ian says you can do it yourself." Carl says.

"Carl, tell Ian he's being a douche bag for not talking to me." Lip says in a funny voice.

"Lip says you're being a douche-." Carl start in the same voice but Ian puts his hand over Carl's mouth.

"Okay, whatever it is you guys are doing, I want it over before school starts. So figure it out." Fiona says.

"Mommy, what's my assignment?" Jasmine asks.

"Ah, go home to your family?" Fiona says smiling.

"Actually, I need to go get the boat ready. Belmont Harbor. Slip 22. Two o'clock." Jasmine says.

"I said I'll think about it." Fiona says.

"I don't need to think. I'm so coming." I say.

"I wanna see what Fiona's cooking for breakfast." We hear Frank say upstairs.

"It's a rooster in the henhouse. Hide the money!" Lip says and we all move.

"Morning Grammy!" We all shout, Fiona hides the money, I follow Ian out the back door.


I put on my red bathing suit and a dress over it before putting my heels on. I put my hair in a plat and put on some makeup before leaving.

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