Nana Gallagher had an affair

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Me and Lip lay in his bed watching Monica and Bob talking in the bathroom throw the slightly open door.

"How long you plan on us staying here playing house? Bob says.

"Did you see those kids faces? Did you see the way they looked at me?" Monica says.

"I'm not supporting six kids. We get the DNA results tomorrow it'll prove Liam's not Frank's." Bob says.

"Shh!" Monica says.

"That way if the shit-head changes his mind, he can't take Liam back." Bob says.

"Keep quiet. They're sleeping." Monica says.

"We are gonna make a great family. I'm gonna take care of you and Liam like Frank never could." Bob says, hugging Monica from behind.

"I am going to bed." Monica says, before they walk away.

Me and Lip sit on the end of his bed as Ian sits up on his bed. He smokes his cigarette, i have some before passing it back to him.


I get changed and walk downstairs in the morning to see everyone. Lip's eating cereal from the bag, i walk over and he puts some in my mouth. I laugh eating it before walking to the fridge and getting some apple juice.

"Monica, Carl needs something from you." Lip says.

"Here." Carl says, handing her a piece of paper.

"What's this?" Monica asks.

"Permission slip." I say.

"You're going to the aquarium. When?" Monic asks.

"Today. I need $10." Carl says.

"what for?" Bob asks.

"Admission fee." Carl says.

"School doesn't pay for that?" Bob asks.

"No. And he'll need money for food." Lip says.

"Grab hi'm an instant oatmeal and a pop tart. Makes a great lunch." Bob says.

"Deb, what are you doing?" Monica asks.

"I'm looking for a poster board and markers. I'm running for re-election." Debbie says.

"Ian, could you help her? If you would tell me these things before it'd be better in the morning." Monica asks, Ian rolls his eyes before getting up.

"I need $40." Lip says.

"No." Bob says.

"In my wallet. Where it's gonna stay." Bob says.

"I need a new calculus textbook. I can get it used, only cost $20." Lip says.

"Where are our lunches?" Ian asks.

I walk over to Lip and slide $40 in his back pocket before patting his stomach. He turns and kisses me on the cheek.

"Debs babe, my drawers, top shelf, lots of markers and papers." I say, she smiles before running upstairs.

"Huh?" Monica says, referring to Ian's question.

"What is everybody looking at? Start spreading peanut butter on bread." Bob says.

Then Monica hands us all our lunches after a long time of arguing about it with Bob.

"We won't be here when you get home from school." Bob says.

"why?" Debbie asks.

"What?" Monica asks.

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