Casey Casden.

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Me, Lip and Ian are waiting outside some dudes house to get a boiler. Ours is broke.

"So we're just gonna wait out here?" Ian asks.

"He's a chain-smoking pothead in a stress-inducing situation. He'll be out soon." Lip says.

"what are we supposed to say?" I ask.

"I don't know. Just Play it cool." Lip says.

"Play what cool?" I ask.

"Things people play cool. Jesus, Han." Lip says.

"you got you're own cell?" Ian asks as Lip'a phone rings.

"No, some kid left it in the cafeteria." Lip says.

Then he walks away answering the phone, no doubt it's Karen.


Me, Lip and Ian walk down the street with the almost brand new boiler in a shopping cart.

"Hey! Hey!" Fiona shouts, we turn our head to see her and Steve in a car.

"Hey. Almost new." Lip says.

"Debbie stole a baby. We have to return it." Fiona says and my jaw drops.

"Debbie stole a baby?" Lip asks.

"Yeah." Steve says.

"Why?" Ian asks.

"It's Debbie." Fiona says.

"I did not see that coming. Um.. can't we just give it back?" Lip asks.

"I wish we could. It's too late now." Steve says.

"Wow." I say.

"Find Carl and get home now." Fiona says.

"Yeah." Lip says as we walk away.


"We need to get your story straight for the Police. Why did you take the boy?" Fiona asks.

"He was crying for his mom and his mom wasn't around." Debbie says.

"Did you try to find his mom?" Fiona asks.

"No, he was crying and nobody cared. So I took him." Debbie replies.

"You can't say that. What's wrong with you?" Fiona says, stressed out.

"Fi." Steve says.

"Debs, was he inside or outside of the yard when you grabbed him?" Lip asks sweetly.

"Inside." Debbie says.

"well okay, so how did you get him out?" I ask.

"I waved a Snickers bar at him." Debbie says, looking proud.

"Did anybody see you?" Ian asks.

"I don't think so. We just ran." Debbie says.

"That wasn't suspicious." Fiona says.

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