Chapter 14 PLAN

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Porsche can't still believe that one of the Theerapanyakun is here, with him and a friend of his little brother. He should be more careful because of what Kim said to him but he can't just leave his brother alone with this guy.

" When are you going to go back to work Hia?"

Chay asked, he's been here two days now and he  can't still forget bout what happened when he arrived here.

" You don't want to spend more time with me now Chay?"

He asked with a hurt tone, Chay's eyes widen then he immediately went to his brother side and hug him while  shaking his head.

" NO! Of course not hia, I am really happy that you're here. We won't see each other more often and i really missed you everyday."

Porsche pouted then hugged his brother.

" I will go back tomorrow early. I can't stay away from the company because I have so many works to do."

Chay sadly nod his head.

" When are you going to visit here again?"

He's sure that it will be longer than the last one because shit is just about to start to the company.

" I don't know Chay, but please take good care of yourself while I'm away."

Chay nod his head and hugged his hia tightly.

" I am not a baby hia, I can take good care of myself more now so you don't have to worry. You should take good care of yourself there, don't overwork or I will tell P'Pete and P'Vegas to bring you back here."

Of course, Chay is also a very great brother and it made Porsche wanted to keep him from this shit world.


" You're being too comfortable ordering me around."

Porsche annoyingly said but he sat in front of Kim who sip his drink.

" But you came anyway."

Porsche rolled his eyes then ordered his.

" That should be important, I don't want to waste my precious time with my brother for you."

Kim put down his glass before sliding an envelope infront of Porsche. Porsche raised his eyebrow and then glance at Kim with pure confusion.

" Tawan wil be back here tomorrow morning."

Porsche eyes widen and immediately grab the envelope, he open and fish the content inside.

Papers with pictures of a schedule and many more.

" I thought that it will be next month? Why?"

Kim rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink.

" clearly to make the wedding more early than intended. Kinn wont be happy about this...fuck."

Kim is clearly pissed, Porsche take a clear look to the pictures and the writings.

" Where did you get this pictures?"

It's clearly Tawan's schedules throughout the day and the last one is his flight to Bangkok.

" Of course, i can't just leave him all alone without anyone from my people guarding him. He's too dangerous to be left alone outside my territory."

Spies. Of course they have that, they're to powerful to be consider a normal business owners.

" Did you tell Kinn about this?"

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