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Porsche's eyes widen when the person who entered smiled and wave at him.

" Hi Porsche!" The man greeted, Porsche laughed and handed his hand for a shake hands, the man accepted.

" I am so happy that you're the one who will interview me, Vegas, I am not sure what to do if it's your boss." Vegas chuckled and gestures him to sit as Porsche did, Vegas sat in front of him.

" Kinn said that he has something to do first, he just called me out of nowhere, saying that I should do the interview. Anyway, let's start so I can assign you to your work." Porsche nod his head, feeling more relaxed that it's Vegas and not some random person.

The usual, the interview started and Porsche confidently answered all those questions, Vegas just keep on asking while taking some notes and asking some random question regardless to the topic.

Vegas and Pete are in good relationship, tho, they fought sometimes but they always manage to settle everything. They're so in love and Pete always told Porsche that him and Vegas were fated to be with each other. Porsche only nod or laugh, because he never believes in those things. He respected Pete and Vegas relationship, he's not a homophobic, but he never dated a person with the same sex, aside from what happened to him not so long ago....

But it's not counted because he never know who that person was and it's a drunken mistake, a one-night-stand. But he can still remember the felling of those big hands holding his waist, the sweaty chest being pressed against his back, those strong arms wrapped around his- OKAY! That's enough, it's all over and he will never meet that person ever again.

" Okay, so, you passed everything." Porsche was shocked when he heard Vegas, eyes wide and mouth wide open.

" Wai.-... wait mn, are you- are you for real? I am already accepted? Like, really? Seriously?" Vegas laughed and nod his head, and smiling at Porsche.

" Yes, you are accepted and you can start your work today, the boss told me that as long as you can answer those questions, correctly and with confidence then you are accepted." Porsche tried to make sense with everything, only nodding his head but it's empty. He's still processing everything.

" Wait, what's my work again?" Porsche asked suddenly, Vegas send him a questionable look, like he can't believe what this person of him was saying.

" You're supposed to be in the marketing department, but because you passed everything and it seems like our boss is a bit impatient these days, you are going to be the assistant of Kinn for the meantime, his assistant took a-" and Porsche did not hear what Vegas said, his world stopped all at once and he don't know if he should be feeling happy or sad or even angry that this is happening to him.

" I never meet your boss yet, what if he don't like me?" Vegas snorted and handed Porsche some files, he accepted it and started flipping each pages.

" No, don't worry, it's him being impatient and no one is better to take this position aside from you, Porsche, Pete and me are always here if Kinn starts harassing you with many paperwork, we know that you hate doing paperwork so much." The wink Vegas gave him made Porsche raised his clenched fist, attempting to punch Vegas, who only laugh and raise both of his hands.

" Okay, okay, calm your horses and follow me, I am going to bring you to Kinn's office but I will left you there immediately, I still have works to finish, Kinn is still in a meeting with the board members so you just wait and he will give you your tasks." Porsche wanted to protest while walking beside Vegas.

" Can you send Pete? I don't want to be alone with your boss when I still don't know him." Vegas gave him a raise eyebrow look, like judging all his ancestors with just that look.

Meant To Be (KinnPorsche)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang