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Porsche first day did not end up smoothly, he came back from work exhausted because of the non-stop paperwork. He did not expect the next day to be good because that's the day his work as Kinn's assistant will start seriously.

He woke up early and heard something in the kitchen, he immediately went down.

" Chay?" He called, then suddenly, his little brother greeted him from the kitchen door, smiling and holding a bowl.

" Good morning Hia, I came back early because I may not be able to see you if I stayed longer at P'Yok. I made you breakfast to celebrate your acceptance from your new job." Chay said happily, Porsche did not hesitate to walk towards his little brother and embrace him, Chay hugged him back.

" I am sorry that I won't be here more often starting today, don't worry, I will use my leave every time I got a chance to spend with you." Porsche promised, Chay chuckled and let go of the hug, he gave him the bowl with cooked shrimps.

" It's fine Hia, I am a big boy now and you should take good care of yourself. Don't overwork or I will tell P'Pete and P'Vegas that you-" Porsche shoved a shrimp inside Chay's mouth.

" I know, I know, no need to tell them, now let's continue cooking so we can prepare then eat, we don't want to be late." Chay pouted but nod his head, heading inside the kitchen and started cutting some other ingredients.

After preparing, they eat while talking about their day, Porsche also called his best friends Jom and Tem that they can stay at the house starting today because he won't be able to comeback after work. Chay told his Hia that he don't have to worry too much about him.

After eating, it's Porsche who let first, feeling bad that he will leave his little brother alone but Porschay just shove him out the door and wave his hand, saying his goodbye.

Porsche needs to go early because he needs to visit and arrange his belongings to his new apartment. He found this apartment online, it's only 10 minutes walk from his apartment to his company and a 24/7 open department store nearby.
Porsche did not brought many clothes, just his working outfits and a few t-shirts and a few pants that he can wear if he don't have work but won't be able to go back home.

When he arrived, 50 minutes before his work, he immediately went to the apartment, the owner greeted him and gave him a tour inside.
There's a mini kitchen, then a mini living room, then a bedroom, just for one and a door for the bathroom and also a washing machine. It's big enough for Porsche, he can even entertain a guest if he wants to. The owner gave him the key and he thanked him, the owner only smile and nod then left Porsche to do his work.

When suddenly he glance at the time and it's already 20 minutes before his work so he decided to just put everything inside his bedroom and left the apartment, making sure that the door is looked and went out, it's a 10 floor apartment and he's at the 6 floor, he will just jump out of the balcony if ever the elevator suddenly won't work.

Porsche started walking towards the company, the morning air is very nice. He glance at his surroundings, noticing some pastry shop and other small shops, he also noticed a cat that he wanted to touch but end up scratching him, he just put a band-aid on his wound. He did not notice that he already arrived at the company because he got distracted, he greeted the guards and other employees, who greeted him back.


There are many meetings waiting for Kinn, staring at 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM, Kinn will be meeting the Marketing Department then a small break and other meeting at 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, this time, another owner of a company will be meeting Kinn, surely to negotiate or to discuss something else, Porsche doesn't know. After that, a new set of papers will be delivered for Kinn to sign, those are the papers that Mr. Shin sent to them after the successful negotiation.

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