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When Kinn entered the room, he was greeted by the sight of Tankhun and Porsche casually talking and Arm being busy at the corner.

" Good morning my dear brother, what took you so long to come here?" Tankhun greeted and Kinn did not answered, only walking towards his desk and sat down to his chair.

" Non of your business, what are you even doing here? Aren't you busy with your business?" Kinn asked and Tankhun only snorted and crossed his arms.

" I decided to visit my brother before the dinner meeting with Pa, what's wrong with that?" Kinn frown when he heard about the dinner and glance at Porsche who's silently staring at the two brothers.

" Your schedules for today are....." And so, Porsche told Kinn about his meetings and such, clearly, he's not happy about his dinner with his father this afternoon.

" Why are you here early in the morning?" Kinn asked after Porsche told him his schedules. Porsche rolled his eyes and glance at the clock.

" Kinn, you're already late, it's almost 8 and you still need to prepare for your upcoming meeting, and I am here because the marketing department wanted me to give you this proposal. Please read those and sign if you don't have any other questions. But you can ask them if ever you have at the meeting." Then he handed the papers to Kinn, who accepted the paper and fastly scanned before nodding.

They heard Tankhun making a noise of amazement and they glance at him.

" Ohh Myyy God, I can't wait for more of these." Then he suddenly stood up and called Arm, who immediately went beside him. Tankhun glance at Porsche.

" I expect so much from you, my dear Porsche. I will borrow him Kinn when I get back here." Then he went out of the room, leaving the two behind. When the door closed after Arm's goodbye, Kinn sigh and leaned backwards.

" What was Khun talking about?" Kinn's serious tone did not amaze Porsche at all.

He sounds like a jerk, like he owns me.

" Nothing important Sir, just some stuff about how I should do my job correctly and about perfectly." Porsche's faked smile made Kinn glare at him.

" Stop the bullshit Porsche, you're getting too comfortable. Don't forget that I am your boss, you're just Mr employee."

Seriously?! He did not sounded like a jerk, he's really a jerk!

" I do not forget sir, but you should also try to control being a moody person or you'll end up with no employees anymore. They're always tiptoeing when they're around you because they don't know what will happen to them if they irritate you." When Kinn slammed his hands on the desk, Porsche did not manage to hide his flinch and startled expression.

" Don't fucking talk to me like that, this is just your second day but you're acting like my boss. Know your limits before I shoe it to you myself." Kinn's angry and it doesn't look so good. Porsche gulp, he's nervous deep inside but won't show it outside. Kinn will surely took advantage so it's better to remain standing like a statue.

" Leave before I fire you." Without a word, Porsche went out but not hurriedly, trying to maintain his clam self even if he's sweating buckets.


" And that's what happened." Pete stared at him with wide eyes and mouth open wide. Vegas did not do any better.

" You made Kinn angry. Man, don't you know how to shut your mouth for just a couple of minutes when your in front of anyone?" Vegas said, giving Porsche a disapproving look, Pete shook his head and handed Porsche a lease of French fries.

" He irritates the living shit out of me for some unknown reason. I don't know, but it feels like I have some unexplainable feelings about this whole situation." He said whole munching his lunch. Pete send him a questionable look and glance at Vegas who's busy mixing his lunch.

" You should go and ask Kinn about something, maybe he knows something that you forgot... I don't really know man." Vegas suggested, Porsche send him a look like he's out of his fucking mind.

" Do you really want me to pester Kinn so he can point his gun at me and kill me right on the spot? You're the one who told me to stop running my mouth like an idiot in front of our boss and now you're telling me to ask nonsense to him?" Porsche don't really understand how Vegas mind works.

They are really blood related.

" Maybe you know each other or met each other from the past?" Pete's question made Porsche froze. The weir feeling came back and he don't know how the explain the weird feeling to his friends.

" Porsche? Are you okay? Is their something wrong?" Pete's worried voice snapped him out of his deep thoughts.

" Ohh, I am fine no need to worry. Anyway, let's just continue eating, the lunch time is almost over." Vegas send him a look but he just ignore him and continue eating.  


After finishing his paperwork, Porsche started sorting out his belongings. It's already 3:13 PM, he did not talk to Kinn the whole afternoon, they just talk about the business and nothing else, it seems like Kinn is so avoiding him. They went to one of Kinn's business partner but never talk to each other.

He just ignore Porsche or send him many paperwork that he did not deserve, but it's better than being near Kinn with the awkward atmosphere around them. But seems like Big was enjoying that there's something happening between them.

That angry bird's face irritates the living shit out of him.

" This is just your second day Porsche but you already made a big mess and even made your boss hate you. Nice! Really really nice." He just mentally slapped himself for being stupid about his life choice.

" I wanted to be with Porschay so much." He mumbled but the paperwork on top of his desk prevented him from doing so.

" There are still so much time to undone my mistakes and learn from it."

" If I here make the same mistake again, that means I am the most hopeless and unlucky human being that existed." Porsche sigh, when his about to grab his cup someone suddenly slam his door open.

" FUCKING HELL! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO-... huh?" The fallen cup forgotten on the floor when he saw who just barged in.

Wow! just wow! What this angry bird wanted from me now?

" Khun Kinn wanted you to do this paperwork, and make sure to pass this before 7:00 AM tomorrow." Big said with smirk and Porsche wanted to pull that smirk out off his face.

" But... But I still need to-"

" Khun Kinn's order." Then Big just put the stack of papers on top of Porsche table and left, slamming the door.

" He's punishing me with this, this is torture, he knew that I hate paperwork.... YOU BASTARD!"


Somehow, Porsche manage to survive being Kinn's assistant for the whole week. He just have to do anything to avoid his evil boss and he will be fine. But being Kinn's assistant made that impossible.

He joined Kinn to some of his meetings, though, he just have to sit not far from Kinn and do his job. He never talk when no one ask him. Being a good assistant he is, as what Big said. That bitch.

He then talked to Kinn about some matter related to one of Kinn's shareholders being a dick. Demanding a meeting and wanting to withdraw his shares to the company because of some reasons that Porsche doesn't know.

They better stop being like this, this pointless argument, it will surely affect Porsche performance very soon. He don't want to be jobless, better forget about his pride than let Kinn ignore him any longer.

I hope that I did not confuse anyone, but if ever you have any questions, feel free to comment it.

Please don't forget to vote and follow, any feedback is highly appreciated. Love lots everyone 💚💛

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