
Start from the beginning

Juliet's heart raced, and she took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. She looked towards the runway and saw Augustus waiting there. A mix of emotions flooded her. Part of her wanted to avoid him, fearing the implications of his presence, while another part yearned to understand the truth.

"Yeah, let's go ahead and land," Juliet said, her voice determined. She focused on the landing procedures that Adam had taught her. The runway approached steadily, and she carefully descended, guiding the plane towards a smooth touchdown.

As they taxied towards Augustus, Juliet couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty. Adam patted her shoulder, offering silent support. "Hey, is there something I need to handle here? with Augustus? You know you can come to me if any boy ever messes with you."

Juliet gave him an amused smile, "Don't worry about it, Adam. I've got it handled. I'll go meet Augustus now, we need to talk about our platonic stuff." she stressed on platonic, letting him know there was nothing going on between the two, yet.

Adam shook his head, amused, "Whatever, kid."

He left then, leaving Juliet behind as Augustus approached, a friendly smile on his face. "Hey, fiesty," He was giving her the look, the look that said he knew she had been avoiding him, "That was an impressive landing. Mind if I join you?"

Juliet hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Sure. Um, What brings you here?"

He glanced at her, his gaze subtle, "You avoiding me, brings me here."

Okay, woah, straight to the point. Juliet thought he would tread around the subject like her but apparently Augustus liked to be straight forward with it. His gaze fell on her hair, staring at the now short greyish blonde hair. Juliet had gotten her hair chopped off after New Year's, the grey strands held too much bitter memories, the now shorter hair sat by her shoulder.

When she had gone back to school Augustus had been very interested in wanting to know why she had dyed her hair. But Juliet had been tight lipped saying she had just felt like she needed a change.

"I don't know what you are talking about," She laughed awkwardly, while walking away from him toward their parked cars. Augustus driver was right next to her's both of them chatting. Juliet was supposed to go him with the driver, Adam staying at sir strip longer as he was to meet his friends.

Augustus gracefully passed her, his long legs helping in that department and opened the door to his car, gesturing her in with a sweet smile, "Well then if you aren't avoiding me, You won't have a problem accompanying me to an event?"

He was good. Juliet stared at him with her hands crossed, Augustus knew how to twist words and how to persuade people. It was very clear what he was trying to do here. "Well played," she said begrudgingly while getting inside the car, sticking her tongue out when he smirked.

As the driver drove them to the event, Juliet couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and apprehension. The air inside the car was thick with unspoken tension. She stole glances at Augustus, trying to decipher his intentions.

"So, what's this event you're taking me to?" Juliet finally asked, breaking the silence.

Augustus grinned, his eyes focused on the road, not looking at her, "My mom's birthday."

"What?" She nearly yelled, staring down at her jean shorts and band t-shirt, she looked like she had just come from an art class and she didn't even have a gift. She'd went enough posh parties to know going empty handed was rude as fuck, "I don't even have a gift."

Augustus reached down, below his seat pulling out a neatly wrapped box and then handed it over to her, "Now you do,"

"Gus, really we need to-"

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