"We're leaving because that's what she wants."

Grandfather got closer to Alan and gently placed his hands on the sides of his face as he looked into his eyes.

"My poor grandson, what has she done to you? You've become like a slave to her."

"That's not true. I'm just in love."

Grandfather slapped him.

"This isn't love! You're a slave!"

Kaelyn, who had been listening, had enough and approached them to ease the tension.

"I'm leaving now. Thank you for everything," she said.

As soon as she started walking away, Alan stopped her by holding her hand.

"No, I'm coming with you. I have a house in another town."

"Alan!" Grandfather yelled, his voice filled with pain. "You're ready to abandon me because of her?"

Kaelyn felt so awful about seeing Grandfather that way that she felt the need to apologize.

"You should've never come back! Look at what you've done to my grandson without even trying!"

"Then keep him with you and tie him up or something," she said, tired of being blamed.

"No, there's no need for that," Alan chimed in, smiling at her. "I just want to be with you. Wait here and I'll get my wand."

As soon as Alan left, her attention shifted to Grandfather. Once again, she felt awful and apologized to him. She didn't even understand why that was happening.

When he begged her to stay so he could keep Alan close and watch over him, he was disappointed when she couldn't do it.

"Crimson just won't leave me alone. As long as I'm here, he'll keep following me."

Before she could say anything more, Alan came back with his wand and quickly held her hand, completely ignoring his grandfather. It was like she was all he could see.

"Let's go," Alan said to her.

"Are you seriously leaving me like this?" Grandfather asked, his voice trembling.

At that moment, Kaelyn made the decision to leave Alan behind so he could stay with his grandfather but before she could act on it, Alan flicked his wand and they vanished in a burst of smoke.

When Grandfather was alone, he hunched over in his seat right outside and burst into tears because Alan had abandoned him so easily.

For a few minutes, he thought about how pure and special Alan had always been, only for everything to change because of her.

I need to do the one thing that'll stop all this.

At that moment, Crimson arrived and stood before him.

"Tell Kaelyn I'm here. I need to talk to her."

Grandfather looked up, wiping his tears.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Crimson. Where is she?" he asked looking around.

"You're her former master? Couldn't you have come sooner?" Grandfather yelled.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

When Crimson found out she had already left with Alan, he was frustrated.

"He should've never brought her back," Grandfather said. "Now he's a slave without even realizing it."

"What do you mean?"

"He's ready to do anything just to make her happy. He should've never looked into those dangerous eyes. Now he's gone. I just want my sweet grandson back."

Crimson just stood there, looking down at him with a poker face.

"Part of this is your fault," Grandfather said, pointing at him.

"I don't see how I'm involved in this," Crimson replied.

"You should have sorted things out with her since she was running away from you."

When Crimson demanded to see her, Grandfather was ready to take him to Alan's house. He was ready to look past Crimson's arrogance and evil nature just to keep Kaelyn away from Alan.


A few minutes had gone by since they had arrived in a different town and Kaelyn still couldn't get over how they had come there in only a few seconds .

The house was also deep in the woods and as she checked it out, each room having an aristocratic feel to it, he was right behind her. He had become so attached to her that he couldn't stop following her around.

When she couldn't take it anymore, she looked back at him and cleared her throat.

"Can you please stop following me everywhere I go? It's making me uncomfortable."

"I can't do that. I just want to be around you," he said, his eyes blank.

Unable to get rid of him, she sighed as she sat down on a chair in the dining room.

He sat right next to her and reached for her hand. He kissed it, then placed it on his cheek.

"I love this cold feeling," he said.

She began to grow more concerned.

What's going on with him? What did I do to him?

After watching him for a while, his heart raced faster and his breath quickened. He suddenly unbuttoned his shirt and her eyes widened. She then got up when he took it off and threw it on the floor.

"What are you doing?" she asked,

He got up and held onto her wrist, then placed her hand on his toned chest and slowly moved it all around, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

Suddenly, he started lowering her hand movements on his chest, sticking his lower lip between his teeth.

"If it can feel this good just with your hand on my chest, I wonder what it would feel like inside my pants."

She gasped, looking down at his pants and noticed the bulge, then looked up into his eyes. All she could see was his lust and it seemed that he couldn't control it.

Taking control of the situation, she gently pushed him away.

"Stop doing all this! I don't want to hurt you!"

"Everytime I look into your eyes, I imagine myself passionately making love to you."

"You know what? Take me back to Old Gravestone!" she demanded, getting a little upset.

For a second, it seemed that he had listened, but instead, he reached for the glass on the table, broke it, then picked up a shard of it.

"Alan?" She panicked.

Without a second thought, he cut himself on the shoulder.

"What's wrong with you?" she yelled.

When his blood ran down his arm and side of his chest, the view and smell was tempting, but she closed her eyes and shook her head several times. She didn't want to hurt him.

"I'm offering you my blood. Come and taste it," he said to her, his voice lifeless.

It was then that she realized the danger she had brought to him without even being aware of it.

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