Chapter 26

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Later that night, Alan was in bed but couldn't sleep no matter how hard he tried. He tossed and turned, thinking about Kaelyn and the spell he had performed on her grave.

He was just glad Grandfather was more proud of him than he was upset because in the end, it had been part of a test for him.

Since Kaelyn had been given her own bedroom, he hoped she was comfortable but part of him doubted it because her mind was completely blank. He couldn't even begin to imagine himself forgetting everything, including his grandfather.

When he opened his eyes the next morning, he thought the events of the previous day were all just a dream, so he quickly got out of bed and rushed to Kaelyn's bedroom door.

Before he could even knock on it, she spoke from inside.

"You're awake. Come in."

He braced himself, hoping he'd be in better control of himself around her seductive nature.

When he walked in, she was seated on the bed with the palms of her hands resting on it and using that as her support since she leaned back.

"Good morning," she said. "I'm glad you're here now. I was lonely the whole night."

"Oh..." He cleared his throat wondering if there was any hidden meaning behind her words.

"Sit with me," she said, gesturing with her hand to the spot next to her.

Even without much sunlight coming in, he could see her pale skin.

Once again reminding himself not to look into her eyes, he sat beside her as he exhaled deeply.

"You don't have to be lonely anymore because I'm here now," he said, looking down at her dress.

"Really? We can do whatever I want?" she asked, leaning towards him with her eyes on him.

"Uhm.... y-yes."

"Then show me some magic."

He slightly furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, disappointed that what she wanted to do was far from what he was expecting, simply because of her body language.

But his eyes soon widened when he thought of something he wanted to try out.

He excused himself to quickly bring the soul dust and it made her curious.

"What's that?"

"It's nothing."

"I hope you're not about to get rid of me." Her tone was a little threatening.

"Of course not," he chuckled.

He was curious about what would happen with her so he sprinkled the soul dust on her, and it turned black.

What did I expect? Of course it's black because of the spell and what she is.

She looked down at herself, shaking her head because nothing happened, so he explained it all to her.

Afterwards, the conversation shifted when he reminded her that she needed to stay inside the house all day.

Though she agreed, she hated doing nothing. She wanted to go out there and see Old Gravestone in the hopes that she'd remember something.

It was then that he suggested they could go out that night to a circus show since it would be his first time seeing one in that small town.

For the whole day, he stayed by her side, telling her more about his life and showing her different magic tricks.

Grandfather had encouraged him to do so just to keep her occupied as long as the magic tricks were just basics.

Because her mind was blank, every trick was amazing to her.

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