Chapter 23

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Kaelyn was alone in the living room, staring at the fireplace as she lightly rocked back and forth.

Now that it was night time, she felt the need to treat every second like it was her last.

There was still no sign of Crimson and she believed that wasn't how it was supposed to be.

Though she tried to find comfort in the fact that she was in the company of two other vampires, it didn't make the situation any better because Crimson was far much stronger than any vampire out there.

When Vance joined her in the living room, he sighed loudly.

"Is everything alright?" she asked, worried that he had sensed Crimson's presence.

"You're so lucky you don't have super hearing. Winn and Arya are in the bathroom together, making up for all the time they couldn't do it."

She chuckled, trying to loosen up, so she thought she'd keep the conversation going.

"For how long have you been in these woods?"

"A long time. Actually I only go..." He suddenly trailed off and that caught her attention.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, excuse me."

Without alarming the situation, Vance began heading outside and at the same time, it was silent in the bathroom. He was certain Winn had a similar reaction.

As soon as he opened the front door, the crippling fear only consumed him more.

After only taking a few steps away from the house, Winn joined him and they shared a knowing look.

"Did you tell Arya?" Vance asked, his voice trembling.

Winn gulped. "No."

The two of them followed a scent and it got stronger as they moved away from the house until they found its source.

Right along a small path, Crimson stood there, dressed in all black with a cloak in a deep shade of red.

His presence alone brought Vance down to his knees.

"Please spare me!" Vance begged him. "I assure you that I didn't know anything when they arrived!"

"Then why did you still give them shelter?" Crimson asked, his tone low and threatening.

Winn was also terrified and thought he'd chime in. "We just wanted-"

"Kneel before me," Crimson ordered him.

For a brief moment at the castle, it had seemed that Winn had gotten closer to Crimson after the long talk they had, but it became clear at that moment that it wasn't the case.

With another gulp, Winn got down on his knees as well.

"What do you want?" Winn stuttered.

"I only came here for Kaelyn. The rest of you don't matter to me."

"But she doesn't want to see you."

"And that's why you helped her run away from me? What gave you that right? It's no business of yours what happens to her because she's mine. Whatever's going on with us, you all should stay out of it."

"What will you do to her?"

"It's no one's concern," he said, then took a step forward.

Winn and Vance flinched and fell backwards, begging Crimson to spare them. They should've at least put up a fight, but they knew it would've all been in vain.

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