Chapter 14

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As soon as Kaelyn had called out Arya's name, she could feel that all eyes were on her, but for her, the only focus was her older sister.

As soon as Kaelyn noticed that Arya, who was still on the floor with Dorian's hand in her head of hair recognized her, she heard her loud gasp and burst into tears. "Kaelyn?!"

Kaelyn nodded, making Arya rise to her feet and put on a sprint of speed after she attempted to push Dorian's hand away and succeeded since the moment had caught him off guard.

Wanting to have Arya in front of her faster, Kaelyn ran to her as well and when she met her in the middle of the room, they touched each other's shoulders, faces and hair, trying to see if it was all real.

"My little sister, you're alive," Arya said with a smile as she looked down at Kaelyn.

Kaelyn nodded rapidly, a wide smile forming on her face as she looked up. She could taste her tears but it was the least important thing at that moment.

When she felt Arya's embrace, she wrapped her arms around her tightly as they both burst into tears.

With her eyes shut, Kaelyn could feel her heart racing, the joy of knowing she still had family taking over her. "I thought you were dead. I thought I was all alone."

Arya chuckled. "I thought the same thing, but here you are."

Moving her head away from Arya's chest, Kaelyn looked up at her as they wiped each other's tears with a chuckle.

She then looked past Arya by poking her head to the side so she could see Crimson.

"Master, Arya's my sister," she said, not caring that he had already heard it all along with everyone else.

With a glance around the room, Kaelyn could see how puzzled Demeena was and she assumed it was the same for everyone else but it didn't matter. Her reunion with her sister was more important than anything else at that moment.

While still facing each other, Kaelyn took a few steps back from Arya so they could look at each other and held hands as they giggled.

"Look at you," Kaelyn said, noticing how Arya looked thinner and pale.

"I was just about to say the same thing. Look at you," Arya said with wide eyes.

Faster than she could blink, Kaelyn's moment of happiness turned to panic when Arya's neck was pulled back and she whimpered as her hair was grabbed.

"No! Leave her alone!" Kaelyn yelled at Dorian despite not knowing what he was capable of.

From the moment Crimson had learned that Kaelyn and Arya were sisters, he had clenched his jaw a few times, especially when he saw how happy Kaelyn was. He felt that with family, she didn't have to always rely on him and he wasn't too happy about it.

However, his displeasure had turned to amusement when Dorian had dragged Arya across the floor again and he saw Kaelyn's desperation for him to set her free.

Despite his amusement, he wondered why Dorian put Arya through such humiliation but he soon learned that it was because she and Winn had been caught having sex.

Knowing how much of a coward Winn had always been, Crimson glanced at him, impressed by his audacity to cross such a line.

Still hearing Kaelyn beg Dorian not to hurt her sister, he looked back at her and how desperate she was. He knew she was helpless.

He was then thrilled when she ran to him and brought her hands together.

"Master, please help my sister!" she begged him.

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