Chapter 4

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After teasing her for a while, her moans sensually pleasing to his ears, he suddenly stepped away but his eyes were still on her. He noticed her nipples, more erect than before.

"Did someone find pleasure in that?" he asked.

"No," she said with a stutter, averting her eyes. She couldn't believe she had gone that far and it only left her feeling embarrassed.

He came closer again, placed his fingers under her chin to grab her attention, then smirked at the innocence in her eyes.

"How could I blame you, innocent young lady? Pleasures of the body just have a way of changing you in the moment."

As she relaxed more and thought about how he made it difficult for her to resist, she looked down at his slightly exposed chest, her mind growing curious at what was inside, just as he wished it to be.

When he looked down at her perky breasts, erect nipples and exposed neck, he had the urge to rip off her dress and satisfy himself in all the ways he could and she wouldn't even resist, but instead, he stepped back again and turned around to leave.

As he started to walk away, he told her she had the whole night to think about his offer and expected her decision in the morning.

Before he was out of sight, she widened her eyes as she told him she was starving and would appreciate anything he could give her to silence her grumbling stomach.

He pointed in the direction of the kitchen and told her to help herself to whatever she liked.

Having full access to his kitchen, she excitedly rushed there and instantly gasped when she walked in at how spacious it was. She looked around and there was more food than she had ever seen in her life.

Who would've thought that a vampire would be the one to give me shelter and something to eat?

When her food was ready, she served herself and placed her plate right on the kitchen counter. The first bite of her food brought tears to her eyes, for it was the first time in years to have such a meal. She had mainly survived off of cheap milk.


After Kaelyn had her meal, she returned to the bedroom she had taken a shower in and lazily fell on the bed and faced the ceiling. With a hand on her belly, she sighed with satisfaction and couldn't stop giggling.

She kicked her legs around with excitement and was amazed by the softness of the covers as she dropped her head to the side, feeling completely comfortable. She had been sleeping on dirty floors for years.

This is all thanks to....thanks to...

She frowned when she opened her eyes in realization.

I still don't know his name.

She then made it her goal to ask him in the morning and blamed herself for not asking about his name again, all because she was too deep in his caresses that nothing else had mattered at that moment.

She thought about the tingling sensation between her legs when he was caressing her and she slapped herself to stop thinking about it.

She sat up and looked around the room as she wrapped her arms around herself to think about all he had said to her. She wondered if she would die at the hands of other vampires or creatures should she decide to return to the streets.

He saved me from that other vampire and that means he cares. If I waste this opportunity, I'll be back on the streets, suffering. I wish to never experience that again.

Even when I was so filthy and he found me disgusting, he still brought me here. Whatever his name is, he's been so generous.

After highly praising Crimson, she got more comfortable by getting under the covers. For the first time in years, she rested her head on a soft pillow. She held onto the covers and closed her eyes, trying not to let the tears ruin the pillow.

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