lazy days

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That Sunday

War POV:

It had been three days since we got back from the trip.

We never left the house during this time. We only went out to walk Sam and Zulu. Other than that we didn't even go to the store.

We ordered food and groceries online. We spent entire days in a huge lazy bubble. We sat down on the couch all day and watched stuff. We laid down on the bed and took naps. We did other stuff too, of course ;)

We didn't even get dressed most of the time. At one point, we began to walk only in our boxers. I guess, we starved for each other for a long time, and we couldn't satisfy our appetites.

It was Sunday afternoon. We were in my bed, his head resting on my bare chest while his naked, sweaty body glued to my own.

He was drawing circles with his fingers on my pecks.


I waited for him to continue. He had something to say, but as usual he was struggling to get it out.


"I don't want to go back to my place."

"Don't go. Stay here. I washed your clothes. I'll buy you some more online."

He lifted his head to look at me.

"That's not what I meant."

I raised my eyebrows for him to elaborate.

"I want to live with you."

I pushed him to get up.

"What? Are you crazy?"

"I'm not. I'm only thinking of my boy Zulu, okay! He really liked Sam and the cats. He will be really upset when we go back! He's gonna chew my pillow!!"

"Yin!! This is not funny okay. We've been dating for six days!"

He got up too. We were standing in my bedroom.

"In some religions God created Earth in six days, okay?"

"What the hell does that have to do with anything??"

"I mean, appearently it's plenty of time!"

"Okay. This may come as a shock to you, but you're not God."

We were putting clothes on while arguing.

"Look. It's not something I decided on a whim. I really really don't want to be apart from you."

"We don't even know each others routines yet! My personal boundries are really important to me!"

He scoffed to my face.

"What's there to learn about? You are one annoying roommate. Your disgusting kitchen habits when you're drunk, your socks everywhere, you're always messy..."

"Geez. What a way to convince me!"

"I'm just saying... I want to live with you despite knowing all that. Look, it's such a hassle for us to go back and forth between each other's houses with our pets and all."

"Hassle??? We are going to live with each other, so it wouldn't be such a HASSLE?!"

"Okay, okay. Fine. I chose a poor word."

We sighed at the same time.

Yin sat on the edge of the bed and pulled me between his leg while holding my hands.

"War... I'm really happy when I am with you. I really want to do this."

"But... you don't understand. I need some personal space. You do too! Moreover, we are going to see each other everyday at work too. What if we got sick of each other so fast?"

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