Another Surprise

219 24 20

Yin POV:

It was an ordinary Saturday.

My mom informed me that she will be coming on sunday. As a result, War was stressed. He requested in a gentle, but not so subtle, way that I should get out of the house for a while.

It was the first time he demanded such a thing and it was weird for me. I figured, it must've been because we began to live together.

His personal space was so big and his comfort zone was really... comfortable. I suddenly invaded that area when I suggested that we should live together.

I didn't regret that one bit. Other than the night our friends came over, it seemed like everything was going smoothly too.

I was afraid War was regretting it though. I kinda pushed him for this step. He never showed any hesitation after that day and he was so happy when we were browsing houses and picking up furniture that I thought he was okay.

I was searching for stuff for our extra room, which we decided to make a study room but in fact it was War's space, whike I was thinking about this morning.

It all started great. I made us breakfast and brew coffee as any other morning. I kissed his face to wake him up and he was smiling. We had a lovely breakfast but just as I opened the news, War told me if he could have the house to himself for couple of hours.

I mean...

All I wanted was to spend every second with him when I was awake and sleeping with him every time I wanted to sleep.

Was that too much to ask???

Was I too clingy?

No way.

After spending hours without the air in my lungs and blood on my veins, my love called me and summoned me to our home.

I did lots of shopping and it was actually a productive day... but at what cost?! Who knew how many days we had left?

Okay. Too depressing. Let me circle back to the story.

I decided to ditch the rest of the stuff in the car. I went to our door with only one gift in my hands and rang the bell even though I had keys so he would open the door and saw his present.

No answer.

I rang the bell again.

No answer.

I fished my keys out of my pocket with nervous hands, worrying something happened to my baby.

Oh... my.

What a sight.

There were (fake) rose petals on the floor with lots of candles. I didn't see any of our pets and that usually meant they were with a sitter.

There were arrows for me to follow that led me to the living room.

The dining table was set with heart shaped placemats (that seemed crazy to me, but it was nice), plates that I had never seen before and I didn't know we owned, many different type of forks for some reason, candles and cutely folded napkins. It was a little bit too fancy for my taste.

There was this soothing music that went very well with the atmosphere.

Also, I didn't know what we were going to have for dinner, but it sure did smell incredible.

When I got close, I noticed there were two small boxes with one card on the table.

"Hello handsome,

I got some presents for you. You should open the box that has been wrapped with black paper first.

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