An Annoying Roomie

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Yin POV:

"I cannot believe this. I always thought of you like a creature from heaven because of your goodness.

I was wrong big time. You are the root of evil."

War looked at me with his signature resting bitch face and snapped his gum one more time.

Once he understood I really couldn't stand that sound, he started doing it every two minutes.

He was waiting for that long between two snaps, so that I could forget he was snapping it, and got annoyed all over again!


"Heyyyy, we are watching this movie because you wanted it! And now I cannot focus because of you! Stop it!"

He sticked his tongue at me. Finally, he took that disgusting thing out and continued drinking his wine.

I didn't think I would ever get annoyed with him. I thought of him as this pure, perfect little creature that I cannot reach.

Turned out, all I needed was just to be under the same roof with him! He was soo annoying in the house. Beyond my beliefs.

He was his usual self first. But after he drank one glass of wine, he started to loosen up a bit. After two glasses, he turned into this filthy slacker who has no shame whatsoever!

He took off his socks and just threw them in a projectile motion to wherever. When he finished drinking a bottle of water, he tossed it in a similar motion.

He also went through my fridge. Oh what a sight that was to be seen! He took of the milk carton, poured some milk to the glass and then drank straight out of the carton?!

At last but far worse, he put cereal on that glass.


Milk first?

That's who I liked?

If my energy hadn't been drained, I'd flip out.

Instead, I decided to just leave him to be. I went to the bathroom and took a brief shower. It was nice to not smell like puke for the first time in so many hours.

When I got back to the living room, War curled up in the couch, and fell asleep while snuggling with Zulu.

I was jealous of them but I wasn't sure which one I was more jealous of... War or Zulu?

The worst part was that there wasn't any place that I could just squeezed into.

All of a sudden, me being sick, Zulu resting on my bed with me while War was on the chair by my side seemed like a better time.

Whatever. They don't want me, I don't need them.

I put a blanket on them, and went to my cold and lonely bed. Thankfully, someone was touching my hair lovingly and hugging me tightly in my dream.

I woke up to see a beautiful angel's face. The shy and cute expression of War came back.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Me?? How are you feeling?"

"You are the one who is sick Yin."

"And you are the one who is hangover."

His cheeks got red. He turned his gaze to the floor.

"I'm not. because I wasn't drunk."

"Did you see the state of my kitchen? That was all you. In case you want to continue your game of denial."

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