Bitter Taste

191 24 27

War POV:

Yin sighed. "I want to see you in my office."

He left. When he did, Yiwaa came next to me.

"He is in a very bad mood today War. We don't know what happened. But it's not about you. I'll brew coffee for you to drink when you get out." She patted my back in an understanding matter.

I sighed. I knew that it wasn't about me. For a guy who made a habit of being late to the office, I couldn't possibly pushed his buttons because of this reason.

I didn't want to face him. Especially not like this.

I went to his office with unknown feelings.

I knocked.

"Come in"

I did. I was trying so hard to lift my head up and look into his eyes but I couldn't.

I heard he got up from his seat.






I looked up.

"Why aren't you looking at me?"

I was silent because I was afraid of my voice getting cracked as I was trying not to cry in front of him.

"Are you going to talk?"

I inhaled a deep breath.

"You summoned me to your office. You have something to say."

"Why didn't you return to my calls?"

"I was busy."

"Busy... for 24 hours?"


"Busy doing what?"

"Excuse me, if this isn't about work I'm gonna go to my desk. My boss is already angry that I got here late. I want to start."

I turned around. He hold my arm and turned me to him.

"Hey... what's going on?"


"War... tell me the problem so we can work on it."

"There is no problem."

He hold my chin and forced me to look into his eyes. His gaze seemed way way softer than before. He talked with a very soft voice too.

"I'm sorry I left without saying anything to you. Is that the reason you're being like this? Trust me, something happened that I didn't expect."

I couldn't help my eyes getting watery.

"War. Oh jesus, why are you crying?? Did I hurt you?"

"Yeah. Why were you so angry that I got here late?"

"I wasn't angry at you. I was upset about something else. I'm sorry I reflected on you."

I backed off a bit. Wiped the tears before they could fall.

"It's okay. I'm just sensitive you know that. I'm going to start work if that is all."

"Can we have dinner today after work?"

I smiled at him. "I made a promise to a friend. I'm sorry."

I got out.

Well... I made a promise to Bright that I was going to do the right thing for myself and stay away from him. I wasn't lying... technically.

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