Chapter 8

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One day, the Lion Guard was out helping a group of baby animals. They were getting great work done for what they were doing. But then, someone approached them.

"Hey Jabari!" They heard. Everyone turned to see Simba.

"Simba?" Jabari said. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see if I could play with you guys." Simba said.

"We don't really have time to play right now." Penda said.

"Aww, come on." Simba said.

"We're a little busy at the moment, Simba." Binti said.

"Maybe later, then." Simba said.

"Simba!" Jabari said, angrily. Leave us alone!"

"I was just..." Simba started.

Jabari was getting fed up with Simba. He angrily roared at him, causing Simba and Dahlia to fly into the air and hit a tree.

Jabari gasped. "Penda, you and the rest of the The Lion Guard stay here and help the baby animals." Jabari instructed. "I'll get Simba and Dahlia back to Pride Rock."

Penda nodded.

Jabari escorted Simba and Dahlia back to Pride Rock.

"Are you guys alright?" He asked, concerned.

"I think so." Dahlia said. "Just sore."

"I'm really sorry." Jabari said.

"It's okay." Dahlia said. "It was just an accident."

They got to Pride Rock. "Dad!" Jabari called. "Mom!"

"You're father's not here at the moment." Sarabi said, coming out of the den with Sarafina. "Jabari. Are you alright?"

"Something happened and Simba and Dahlia got hurt." Jabari replied.

"Why don't we get you two into the den." Sarafina said, herding the two into the den.

"Zazu, go get Rafiki." Sarabi said. "Jabari, why don't you tell me what happened."

"The Lion Guard was helping some baby animals when Simba came up to us constantly asking to play with us." Jabari said. "We all told him we couldn't right then, but he wouldn't leave us alone. I got angry and accidentally used the Roar on him. It caused him and Dahlia to be flown into the air and hit a tree."

"Ahh. I see." Sarabi said. "Why don't we wait and see what Rafiki says." Jabari nodded.

A few minutes later, Jabari was pacing at the bottom of Pride Rock. 

"What's wrong?" Jabari heard. He looked up to see Scar. He hesitated before telling Scar what happened.

"Well, you know, The Roar can very dangerous used the wrong way." Scar explained. "I'm sure you've been told what I did with the Roar."

Jabari nodded.

"That's all I have to say." Scar said before walking away.

A couple weeks went by. During those weeks, Jabari has refrained from using the Roar during Lion Guard missions. Even when it would have really helped.

Jabari was currently lazing around Pride Rock.

"Jabari, come take a walk with me." Mufasa said. "I want to talk to you about something."

Jabari nodded and headed off with his father. "What did you want to talk to me about?" Jabari asked.

"The other Lion Guard members have told me that you haven't been using the Roar during Lion Guard missions." Mufasa asked. "May I ask why?"

"I don't have to use the Roar for the Guard to be able to help the other animals." Jabari replied.

"True. There are certainly times where the Roar isn't necessary." Mufasa said. "Now, what's the real reason you won't use the Roar?"

Jabari sighed. "Uncle Scar was talking to me the day of the incident and told me the Roar was dangerous." Jabari explained. "So, I decided to not use the Roar anymore."

"Jabari, the Roar is a gift that was bestowed upon you. And yes, used incorrectly or for the wrong reason, there can be consequences. Hence, what happened to my brother." Mufasa continued. "It's up to you to decide how you use it."

"I didn't mean to hurt Simba and Dahlia." Jabari said. "Simba wouldn't leave us alone and I got angry in the heat of moment. It was an accident.

"I know that. Both Dahlia and Simba are okay. And we've already spoken to Simba about his actions." Mufasa said. "Just try to be more careful in the future."

Jabari nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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