Chapter 3

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One day months later, Jabari was in the pride lands playing with other cubs. Since Mufasa and Sarabi had taken Jabari in, everyone in the pride had been very kind and welcoming. Even the rest of the animals were friendly with him. After that day, Mufasa had announced to rest of the pride land animals of Jabari's arrival.

Jabari and the other cubs were playing and practicing their roars. Jabari got into position and roared. But, this wasn't a regular roar like the other lion cubs. It wasn't even a roar like the adult lions use. It was loud enough that it scared the other cubs and himself. Jabari ran back to the Pride Rock.

At Pride Rock, everyone had heard the roar.

"What was that?" A lioness asked.

"It sounded like it came from the area the some of the cubs were playing." Sarabi said.

"But, where did that roar come from?" Sarafina asked. "That wasn't a normal roar."

Mufasa had an idea who it was. "Rafiki?" He said, looking at the mandrill.

"I told you, Mufasa." Rafiki said. "I've had a feeling that that boy is special. I think it's time you told him about The Lion Guard."

"You think he's ready?" Sarabi asked.

"I don't think we have a choice anymore, now that we're expecting a cub." Mufasa said. "You know how my brother was when I was chosen to be King. If we have another son, I can't guarantee that Jabari will be the next King since he is not related by blood. And I will not let what happened to my brother happen to Jabari."

"I guess you're right." Sarabi said.

Just then, the cubs ran up to Pride Rock. Jabari looked the most panicked out of all of them.

"Jabari, what's wrong?" Sarabi asked, even though she knew what was wrong. Jabari explained what happened.

"Alright, just calm down." Mufasa said, calmly. "How about we go for a walk."

Jabari nodded and followed Mufasa.

"Jabari, remember when I told you that I would explain to you what the Circle of Life was?" Mufasa asked. 

"Yes." Jabari answered.

"Everything in this world exists together in a delicate balance in the Circle of Life. As a King, you need to understand that balance and respect all creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope." Mufasa explained. "When we die, our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass, so we are all connnected in the great Circle of Life."

"Why are you telling me this?" Jabari asked.

"Because Jabari. Sarabi is pregnant." Mufasa said. "And you soon will have a sibling."

"Really?" Jabari asked.

"Yes." Mufasa said. "Someday, my time in this life will come to an end. And my hope is that you will be the next King."

"You hope?" Jabari questioned.

"As you know, Jabari, you are not related to me by blood." Mufasa said. "But, you are my son now and I would like you to be the next ruler. And my hope is that the rest of the pride landers will see you as such. But, unfortunately, there may be a possibility that they don't and would want a next blood related heir. And you now have a new role in the Pride Lands."

"What is it?" Jabari asked.

"Your roar today wasn't just any roar." Mufasa explained. "That was the Roar of Elders."

"What's that?" Jabari asked.

"The Roar of Elders is when great lions of the Pride Lands past roars with you." Mufasa went on. "This is a great gift to have. It makes you the fiercest lion in the Pride Lands. As well as leader of the Lion Guard."

"The Lion Guard?" Jabari questioned.

"Look at your reflection in the water." Mufasa said as they approached a watering hole. "Do you notice anything different?"

Jabari looked at his reflection carefully until he noticed a small grey mark of a lion's head on his side. "That wasn't there before." He said.

"That mark appeared when you used the Roar of the Elders." Mufasa replied.

"So, what is the Lion Guard?" Jabari asked.

"The Lion Guard is a group who protects the Pride Lands and defends the Circle of Life." Mufasa answered. "It's comprised of the fiercest, fastest, bravest, strongest, and keenest of sight in the Pride Lands. And as leader of the Lion Guard and fiercest in the Pride Lands, it's your job to find and recruit the rest of the team."

"Who was the the previous leader of the Lion Guard?" Jabari asked.

"Your uncle Scar was the previous leader of the guard." Mufasa explained. "But, he let the power go to his head and he wanted to the guard to take me down, so he could be king. The guard refused and Scar used the Roar to destroy the guard, but by using the Roar for evil, he lost the Roar forever."

They came back to Pride Rock and Mufasa lead Jabari to a smaller den, where Rafiki was waiting.

"This is the den for the Lion Guard." Mufasa said.

Jabari saw paintings on the wall. Rafiki tapped them with his staff and the paintings came to life. Jabari saw what Mufasa explained play out.

"And you're entrusting me to be the leader of the Lion Guard?" Jabari asked. "What if the same thing happens with me?"

"I have faith in you, just as we did with your uncle." Mufasa said. "I just wish he could have seen that."

"But, I'm not your son." Jabari said. "And you're about to have your own heir."

"You are my son, Jabari." Mufasa said. "And I want you to know that just because Sarabi and I are having a cub, that doesn't change how we feel about you. We still care about you."

"Thank you." Jabari said. "I won't let you down."

"I know that, Jabari." Mufasa said. "Now, why don't run along and go play with the other cubs."

Jabari ran off.

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