Chapter 6

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One morning, Jabari was an obstacle course for the guard to train with. So, he could gauge their strengths and weaknesses, as well as his own.

"Good morning, Jabari." Dalilah greeted as she, Penda, and Binti approached him.

"Good morning." Jabari greeted back. "Penda, can you go fetch Kijani? We'll be doing some training this morning."

"Sure thing, Jabari." Penda said before running off.

"Can you two help me finish putting together the obstacle course?" Jabari asked the girls.

"Yeah." Binti replied.

Jabari instructed the girls how he wanted the obstacle course set up. Soon Penda came back with Kijani.

"What's so important you had to have him come get me up?" Kijani asked with a yawn.

"Training." Jabari answered.

"It's too early for this." Kijani said.

"It's mid morning." Binti said.

"Your point?" Kijani questioned.

"Suck it up." Jabari said. "Now, I will go first so you guys get an idea of what to do and then each of you will go through it one at a time. Got it?"

"Understood." They answered.

Jabari went through the obstacle course. "See. Not too hard." He said.

He had made the obstacle course fairly simple for their first training session, but he would gradually make them more difficult as time went on.

"You first, Dalilah." Jabari continued.

Each member went through the obstacle course. Jabari seeing their strengths and weaknesses. They all had them, including Jabari. No one was ever perfect. Jabari was one of the smallest cubs in the pride, so he wasn't very strong. But, he was pretty fast. Just not as fast as Kijani.

"Good effort, guys." Jabari praised. "Let's all get a drink." They headed to a watering hole.

As they were drinking, a gazelle came over to them.

"Lion Guard, we need your help." It said. "Our herd was traveling and there was quite a jump." The gazelle explained. The babies aren't able to jump that far. Can you help us please?"

"Of course." Penda said.

"Show us." Jabari said.

They followed the gazelle to where the herd was. Like the gazelle had said, they saw a large gap between where they were with most of the herd and the other side had a couple baby gazelles.

"Yeah, that's too far of a jump for them." Dalilah said. "Even for us as we're all still cubs."

"Look around to see if there's anything we use as a bridge." Jabari said.

"There's a tree over there." Binti said. "We could use one of the larger branches as a bridge."

"Good work, Binti." Jabari said. "Penda, can you knock off one of the larger branches off the tree?"

"On it." Penda said. He knocked a branch off and dragged it over to them. He and Jabari pushed it until it covered the gap.

"Hop on." Jabari told the baby gazelles. "One at a time."

The first baby gazelle hopped onto the branch. It wobbled a little bit.

"Hold it steady for them, Kijani." Jabari instructed.

Kijani held the branch steady as all the baby gazelles walked across.

"Thank you, Lion Gaurd." The original gazelle said.

"You're welcome." Jabari said before they walked away.

"Do we really have to help everyone with every little problem they have?" Kijani asked.

"Yes. That's our role as the Lion Guard." Jabari explained. "If that's not you signed up for, that's fine. But, my Dad will make you go back to the Outlands."

Kijani looked over to the Outlands. He was quite enjoying his time in the Pridelands.

"No, I'm good." He replied.

Jabari nodded.

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