Chapter 7

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One morning, Jabari was in the Pride Lands with Binti doing a morning patrol. They never needed the entire Guard to do morning patrol. Jabari always went and at least one other member went with him.

"Pride Lands look good this morning, Jabari." Binti said.

"Great, thanks, Binti." Jabari said. "Let's head back to Pride Rock."

The two headed back to Pride Rock.

"Good morning, Jabari. Binti." Sarabi greeted them.

"Hey Mom. Dad." Jabari replied.

"Morning your Majesties." Binti greeted.

"And how was patrol this morning?" Mufasa asked.

"Nothing out of the ordinary to report." Jabari answered.

"Good to hear." Mufasa said.

"I better get back to my Mom." Binti said. "I'll see you later, Jabari."

"Good to see you, Binti." Sarabi said.

"You too, your Majesty." Binti said as she ran off.

All of a sudden, something ran at Jabari.

"Jabari!" Simba exclaimed.

"Oh, you're going to get it now, little brother." Jabari said as the two started wrestling with each other. Jabari was winning.

"Hey, no fair!" Simba said.

"That's what you get for starting a fight you can't finish." Jabari said, laughing.

Their parents were chuckling in amusement.

"Alright. Settle down you two." Sarabi said. "Your father has a lesson for you."

"Really!" Simba said.

"What is it?" Jabari asked.

"Come along." Mufasa said.

The two cubs followed behind their father.

"So, what's the lesson, father?" Jabari asked, as they stopped by a field where gazelles were grazing.

"I'm going to teach you two how to hunt." Mufasa answered.

"But, don't the lionesses do the hunting?" Simba asked.

"It's never a bad thing to know how to hunt." Mufasa explained. "You never know when there may be a time where you'll need to hunt for the lionesses."

"What do you want us to do?" Jabari asked.

"Simba, you're still too young to actually hunt, so you'll just watch and learn." Mufasa said. "But Jabari, I want you take down one of the smaller gazelles. Just crouch down and stay very quiet."

Jabari did just that. He crouched low to the grass very quietly, with his target in sight, and when he was ready, he pounced on his target, capturing it and killing it.

"Very good, Jabari." Mufasa praised. "Why don't you bring that back to Pride Rock."

Jabari nodded and head there.

Later that day, Jabari was napping on Pride Rock.

"Sire!" Zazu called. "Simba and Nala are in the elephant graveyard surrounded by hyenas."

Jabari immediately stood up. "Lion Guard!" He called as he took off.

"Where are we going?" Penda asked as he and the others caught up.

"Elephant graveyard." Jabari answered. "Simba and Nala are in trouble."

"Should we tell Kijani?" Dalilah asked.

"The graveyard's by the Outlands." Jabari replied.
"I'm hoping he heard the commotion and is already heading there."

"Why are Simba and Nala in the graveyard, anyway?" Binti asked.

"Who knows." Jabari said. "But, they're surrounded by hyenas."

When they arrived at the elephant graveyard, Kijani was already there. With the hyenas taunting him.

"Well, if it isn't Kijani." Shenzi said.

"Or should we say msaliti." Banzai added.

Kijani growled.

Penda did a low roar to make themselves known.

"Oh look." Shenzi said. "It's the little runt we almost killed and his cute little guard."

Jabari growled. "Leave Simba and Nala alone." He ordered.

"And who's going to stop us?" Banzai questioned.

While Jabari and the girls distracted the hyenas, Penda and Kijani pulled Simba and Nala away from them.

"They seem to have forgotten who rules the Pride Lands." Binti said.

"Then, let's remind them." Jabari said. "Everyone get behind me."

They all got b hind Jabari. Jabari got into his stance and used The Roar on the hyenas, sending them father back into the Out Lands.

"Way to go, Jabari." Penda said.

"Let's go." Jabari said.

As they were walking back, they noticed Mufasa nearby.

"Did you follow us?" Jabari asked.

"I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay." Mufasa said. "I'm impressed with how well you all did."

"Thank you, Sir." Binti said.

"Kijani, thank you for getting here quickly and trying to keep my son and Nala safe on your own." Mufasa continued. "If you'd like, you're welcome to stay a bit closer to the Pride Lands. "How about the Tree of Life? I'm sure Rafiki wouldn't mind a guest."

"Thank you so much, sir." Kijani said.

"Jabari, could you and the guard take Nala home?" Mufasa asked. "I need to have a word with Simba."

"Of course, Dad." Jabari said. "Come on, Nala."

They all headed back to Pride Rock, except for Mufasa and Simba.
"Thank you, Lion Guard, for saving me." Nala said.

"You're welcome, Nala." Dalilah said. "Come. I'll bring you to your Mom."


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