Chapter 4

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Jabari was patrolling the Pridelands with the other lion guard members that he had assembled. They were still looking for one last member, but there was no reason they couldn't start their duties while they searched for a last member.

All of sudden, they heard a noise. They headed towards the noise near the edge of the pride lands. They headed towards the noise and saw a hyena.

"What are you doing in the Pridelands, outlander?" Penda growled.

"I didn't mean to end up on your side." The hyena said.

"What do you want, outlander?" Binti asked.

"Nothing." The hyena. "Like I said, it was a mistake that I ended up on your side." The hyena said.

"If you're here to cause trouble, you'll surely regret it." Dalilah said.

"I'm not." The hyena said.

"Go back to your side, outlander." Jabari warned. "Before we force you." They all turned away from each other.

Jabari looked to make sure the hyena was leaving and he noticed it limping. Should he help the hyena or not. He went back and forth in his head on what he wanted to do.

"Wait." Jabari said, hopefully loud enough for the hyena to hear. Jabari turned around with confusion on the others faces, including the hyena. "You're hurt." Jabari stated.

"I'll be fine." The hyena said. "Just let me go back to the Outlands in peace."

"Jabari, let's go." Penda said.

"Hold on." Jabari said.

As he got closer to the hyena, he noticed just how badly it was hurt. There was a giant gash on one side of its body and smaller cuts on the other side.

"What happened?" Jabari asked.

"As if I would tell you." The hyena said.

"Let us help you." Jabari offered.

"Like you care." The hyena snarled.

"Jabari, what are you doing?" Binti asked.

"Come on." Jabari said to the hyena, ignoring Binti.

"We're offering our help." The hyena sighed.

"Penda, help them onto my back." Jabari ordered.

"I'll be fine." The hyena said. "I can walk."

"No, you can't." Jabari said. "Just let us help you."

"Fine." The hyena said.

Penda helped the hyena on Jabari's back.

"Where are you taking me?" The hyena asked.

"To Pride Rock." Jabari replied. "You'll get help there."

"I'm not welcome there." The hyena said.

"It'll be fine." Jabari said.

"What's your name?" Dalilah asked.

"As if I would tell you." The hyena said.

"Are you going to tell us what happened?" Penda asked.

"Why would you guys care what happened to me?" The hyena said.

"Well, we're trying to help you, so we care a little bit." Jabari said.

"I was being chased by other hyenas and fell into some brambles." The hyena explained.

"Why would other hyenas being chasing you?" Binti asked.

"Well contrary to what you all believe, not all hyenas get along with each other." The hyena explained. "Or are all bad."

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