Chapter 1

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Mufasa was patrolling the Pride Lands, when he heard something.

"Help!" He heard.

Mufasa then saw a small cub running towards him and stumbling into him.

"Help, please!" The young cub pleaded out of breath. "I need help."

"Woah, slow down there little one." Mufasa said. "Calmly tell me what's going on."

"Hyenas are attacking my family." The cub explained. "Please help them."

"Take me to where they are." Mufasa said.

Mufasa followed the cub until they came to a couple of hyenas hovering over a group of lions.

Mufasa cleared his throat to make himself known. The hyenas looked up.

"Oh look." Shenzi said. "The little runt came back."

"Let's eat him now and finish his family later." Ed added.

The cub hid behind Mufasa as the hyenas started advancing on him.

Mufasa roared at them. "Get away from him!" He ordered. "Now!" The hyenas stopped. "Go back to the Outlands." Mufasa ordered. "And leave the family alone."

"Of course, your Majesty." Shenzi said, innocently. "We apologize."

"Just go." Mufasa said.

The hyenas ran off towards the Outlands.

"You're a King?" The cub said.

"I am. These are my pride lands." Mufasa replied. "Stay here."

He walked over to the group of lions, seeing if any of them were still alive.

After a moment, he went back over to the cub. "I'm sorry, young one, but they're gone." Mufasa said. "They have completed their journey in the great Circle of Life."

"No!" The cub exclaimed.

"I'm sorry young one." Mufasa said. "Let me take you back to Pride Rock. You can stay there for the time being."

"Thank you, your Majesty." The cub said.

"You're certainly welcome." Mufasa said as they started walking. "What's your name, little one?"

"Don't have one yet." The cub replied.

"Well, a brave and strong cub surviving a pack of hyenas deserves an equally brave and strong name." Mufasa said. "How about Jabari."

"I like it!" The cub stated.

"Alright then." Mufasa said. "Jabari it is."

Jabari smiled and Mufasa chuckled. "What's the Circle of Life?" Jabari asked.

"I'll explain it to you at a later date." Mufasa said.

When they got to Pride Rock, Jabari followed closely behind Mufasa. The lionesses greeted Mufasa with "Hello's" and "Good Morning's."

"Where's Sarabi?" Mufasa asked.

"In the den." A lioness answered. "I'll retrieve her for you."

"Thank you." Mufasa said. "Sarafina, could you watch this young cub for a little bit, while I talk with Sarabi?" Mufasa asked.

"Of course, your Majesty." Sarafina said.

"Maybe give him a bath." Mufasa said. "He was off on his own in the Pride Lands." Mufasa walked away.

"Come here, young one." Sarafina said.

Jabari went over to her and she started bathing him. Mufasa walked off with Sarabi.

A little later, the two came back. "I have an announcement to make." Mufasa stated.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Mufasa.

"Sarabi and I decided to take in that young cub I brought home as our own." Mufasa went on.

There was a lot of talk about where his family was.

"I found him looking for help while on my patrol this morning." Mufasa explained. "A couple of hyenas attacked his family and he went looking for help."

There was even more commotion.

"I didn't recognize any of the lions, so they must have been a rogue family not from our pride." Mufasa continued. "His name is Jabari and I hope you all treat him as if he was already part of our pride because he is now." Everyone agreed.

Mufasa looked at Jabari. "Come on, Jabari." He said. "You've had an eventful morning. I think you should have a nap."

Jabari leapt up and followed into the den.

AN: This takes place before Simba is born. The cover picture is what Jabari looks like as a cub. Also for any new characters I'll be keeping with Swahili names, so if anyone is interested in knowing what the names mean. I'll put the meaning of the names in author's notes.

Jabari- A boys name that means valiant.

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