"I can?" Ba Reum asked, looking at Hyuk in wide-eyed surprise, "Ba Reum be big."

"I know. Hyuk said. We could go twice a week or something, and then we can grab something to eat together," Hyuk said the plan forming in his head. He saw Ba Reum wince a little at the suggestion, and quickly continued talking, "and seeing that it was my suggestion, I get to pay for it."

"But..." Ba Reum started to say, but Hyuk silence him with a big finger pressed against his lip.

"No buts. It was my idea, so it's my duty that you get a good work-out, and that you get some decent food as well so you can bulk up. So no nonsense about wanting to pay your own share, or only going to go to the gym without the food," Hyuk said, trying to look strict, "okay?"

"Yes, okay," Ba Reum hurriedly said, barely being able to believe that such a good deal could happen to him. He was definitely feeling as if he was taking advantage of the caregiver, but on the other hand, he couldn't say no now.

"Great. I'm looking forward to it. So, how about Tuesdays and Thursdays? You don't have active classes those days," Hyuk said.

"Is good," Ba Reum said shyly, before an idea occurred to him. It they were already going to meat in the week, did that mean that they wouldn't meet in the week anymore, "uhm, mo...Uk?"

"Yes, sweety?" Hyuk asked, noticing that Ba Reum had frozen, but he had just opened up one tab of the diaper and he thought that was the cause of the sudden stillness.

Ba Reum swallowed nervously, glad that he had been able to stop himself from finishing the word. How easily the mommy had nearly slipped out. It was embarrassing to slip so easily.

"Uhm, for weekend? I still come?" Ba Reum asked, trying his best to still his heart thundering in the chest, hoping that he wasn't out of line for asking, but it was important to him, and he wanted to know now, instead of finding out the next weekend he came, and Hyuk wouldn't be there or didn't want him there.

"Of course," Hyuk said, looking shocked, "I like you to come very much."

"Oh, okay," Ba Reum said, looking relieved.

Hyuk nodded, glad that the little seemed glad to be with him. He had indeed grasped the opportunity to be with Ba Reum more often with both hands, and he was feeling happy that they already arranged a situation where he would see Ba Reum more often than not.

The uncertainty broke his heart, so Hyuk would make sure to layer it will affection. Very gently, he continued with the diaper, opening all the tabs, before removing it and wiping the whole area.

He was glad that the little had used it, instead of that watch trick he used. It was clear that Ba Reum had used it when he had been big, which meant that the incontinence was complete for him. At least the little dared to admit to needing diapers when he was in headspace, but perhaps he should buy a few packages of pull-ups for when he was at home.

That way there wouldn't be a repeat of the sort of accidents he had when Hyuk had found him in his class.

"Let's see, a clean diaper," Hyuk said, smiling at Ba Reum, who was now staring at the wall again, his arms lying lazily next to his head while Hyuk did the work. A layer of salve was used, making Ba Reum make a sound of discontent, but the rash was still very much present.

Ba Reum was relieved when he felt the big man close the diaper. It did feel nice to have the extra layer of protection on. It had been good that he had been wearing it in Hyuk's office, otherwise he would have dirtied the desk chair.

"Here is your paci again," Hyuk said, sliding it in Ba Reum's mouth, who made a happy sound, glad to have the comfort item in his mouth, "and why don't we go see if Unicorn is dry."

"Oh, yes. Unicorn," Ba Reum said, happily. Once again he was lifted by Hyuk, who slowly and carefully descended the stairs before putting Ba Reum on his feet at the bottom.

Taking the little's hand in his, he took him to the room where unicorn was lying, and the little immediately ran towards it and grabbed it in a big hug.

"Missed you," the little said, pressing his face in the plushie.

"That's good. So, the two of you want to watch how I play a video game? Perhaps I should take out the cars from last time," Hyuk asked, and Ba Reum looked at him with wide eyes, barely able to believe he could play with them.

"Yes. Play," Ba Reum said, almost bouncing on his feet while Hyuk let him sit on the carpet in the living room and went to fetch the three cars from the last time Ba Reum had been there, when he had been too small to get out of his headspace.

The little made sure he was very quiet while he played, not wanting to interfere with mommy's video game. He was happy though, because every time he passed the couch, a big hand would land on his head and pat him.

Ba Reum yawned widely, and Hyuk saw him rub his eyes, and wondered if the little normally would take a nap, but it was already a bit late for that now. If he napped now, he would not be tired when it was bedtime.

From what he had seen so far, he didn't think the little would normally take a nap, even if he needed it. He was a rather young headspace, so it could actually be that he would profit from taking some. It would be something he could experiment with it in the future.

"I'm going to fix something for dinner," Hyuk decided, after seeing Ba Reum yawn again. At least he should get some dinner in the little as well, before he was too tired to eat.

Ba Reum got up, quickly taking the caregiver's hand in his while he clutched Unicorn close to him with his free arm.

"Ba Reum help?" the little asked, and Hyuk smiled.

"Do you want to keep me company?" Hyuk asked, and Ba Reum nodded. Hyuk started to talk about what he was going to cook, taking all the ingredients out of the fridge and giving them to Ba Reum who carefully arranged them on the corner.

The little even managed to keep his face straight when the man took out several bell peppers, having always hated that particular vegetable.

But he could tolerate eating them. Not that he was very hungry already, having eaten so much today. His stomach was starting to feel rather bloated, not used to having such filling meals with fresh ingredients.

Hyuk soon started to cut up the veggies, and Ba Reum pretended to lose interest, hating even the small of the vegetable.

Luckily, Hyuk didn't call him back and just let him do his own thing while he was busy preparing the food, and Ba Reum took advantage of that reprieve, knowing that soon he would need to eat the vegetable and pretend to like it. He really didn't want to hurt his mommy's feelings about not liking his cooking or make him cross.

He better not let the man know he hated the veggie. His mom always punished him with making sure his portion of food contained some of the disliked bell-peppers, whenever he had done something wrong, or she was feeling extra vindictive. He didn't want Hyuk to start doing the same. 



Hey all,

For those interested, I got my third book in the little cop series out on Amazon (which will probably be findable through their search engine in 24hours or so).

Here is the straight link to there, like usual available in e-book, paperback and on kindle unlimited (please remove the extra spaces)
https:// www.amazon   .com/dp/ B0CTVK8Q7T
If you like the story, please consider leaving a rating or a review, thank you

This book will deal with Abel's fear of the dark. There will be several instances of his friends or Uncle coming over, and to prepare for going back to work, Abel starts going to the gym, meeting all sorts of people there.
At work Jack has to deal with the return of prosecutor Graham, and at home, he tries to help Abel out as much as he can with dealing with his headspace.

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