"Oh, I can't believe it! I finally have enough friends for a moonlight conjuring! Thank you, Luz! Did Eda say it was okay?" Willow asked.

"Uhm...yes. She said yes! We can do it at the Owl House. As long as we don't make a mess or touch anything and never bring up that we did it!" She nervously laughed. "Yes!" "Oh, you're the best!" "Yeah!"

Y/n, Willow, and Gus sing-songy. "♪We're gonna do a conjuring! We're gonna do a conjuring! Conjuring! Conjuring!♪" Luz looks at the moon nervously.

Cut to the Owl House that night, "Okay, she's gone!" Luz exclaimed. "Release!" Three bushes glow and explode, revealing Y/n, Willow, and Gus in their casual clothes.

"I'm a sneaky sneakster!" Willow exclaimed. "I've got leaves in my pants...and I like it," Gus said. "Eww.." Y/n said after hearing his comment. Luz leads them inside.

"Company! Hooray! Finally, someone to listen to my stories! Okay, one time, a sparrow flew into my mouth, and then I-" The door shuts. "Hey..." He coughs out a sparrow, which flies away chirping.

"Welcome to, the living room! We call it that because it's technically living! The walls are breathing, look." A wall is moving with heavy breaths. Willow looks at it closer. "Enchanting."

Gus rummaging through a chest. "And look at all these human treasures." He pulls out a skull. "And actual humans!" He and Y/n laughed.

"We've got snacks, we've got weird music!" Luz exclaimed as she put the needle down on a gramophone, which produced an evil cackle. Gus walks up to her with a bucket on his head. "We've got a bucket!" "Gus, my man!"

"And best of all we have actual friends to do the conjuring with! This is so exciting!" Willow exclaimed.

"So how does this conjuring stuff work?" Luz asked. "Well first, we find an object to animate. Since it's our first time we should pick something meaningful." She explained as she walked over to some flowers. "Something beautiful." Gus bursts through the flowers with an action figure.

"Like this strangely buff little man?" He taps the figure's stomach. "Beefy Bob I'm half beef, half Bob!" "Yes! He's perfect!" Luz and Y/n said in unison. "That's not exactly what I meant by 'beautiful"'. Willow said as Gus lowered the action figure, whimpering and looking hurt.

"Okay, buff boy it is." "Yes!" Luz hugs Willow. "Tonight he shall be risen!" Gus places Beefy Bob on the ground between the four of them. There are several lit candles around them.

"According to the conjuring books I've read, we say the incantation and make a connection with the doll," Willow explained as they all held hands.

"Figurine. Moonlight, we call, we sing. Moonlight takes this chance. Moonlight come to tie the string. Moonlight start the dance!" "Moonlight tie... string... and I don't know the words!"

The moon continues rising. Hooty looks up at it. The moon stops moving, and a burst of blue light comes out of it. A similar burst of blue light bursts out from between Y/n, Willow, Luz, and Gus, spreading around the living room and extinguishing the candles. They all open one eye and look at Beefy Bob.

"That's your cue, little man," Gus said. The entire house rumbles. Hooty blinks, his eyes turning the same blue. Hooty makes ghostly noises. Birds fly away from the house while cawing.

The foundation cracks as the Owl House rises. The four kids scream as they lose their balance. The Owl House stops rising, now standing on giant bird legs.

The living room is now in great disarray. "Guys?" Luz said as a book fell on her head. "Did the entire house just hiccup?" "Little buff guy, what did you do?" Gus asked. "A real man never takes accountability!"

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