The Deenie House 8

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A day before..

Christian pov

It felt like yesterday we all were hanging out. Laughing and telling jokes at our cozy little hangout space. And now it all felt like an illusion.

Jeremiah is not with us anymore. He disappeared right infront of us and we couldn't even do anything. Have we always been this helpless ? I never knew.

I haven't talked to others since the funeral. A part of me just wants to go back to the normal days and hit myself for agreeing to this trip. We lost so much more than we gained.

What was supposed to be a memorable vacation turned into a hunt.

I don't think I want to see Ryle anytime soon. Even though he has always been the responsible leader this wasn't like him at all.

Tom asked me to hangout with him today. He wasn't feeling well. Now that I remember he must be here soon.

I waited behind the door for the doorbell to ring. I knew I looked desperate. I was desperate. To share my thoughts with someone, to talk with someone.

Jeremiah always told me I was the sunshine of the group. If only..

The doorbell rang soon after. Tom stood outside with snacks. He was nervous, I could sense it. He followed me inside like the first time he came to my house. He has been to my house before and knew the layout better than others so it was awkward, him following me around.

"What happened?"

I passed him the coffee mug. He widened his eyes in surprise. Maybe he thought I wouldn't notice.

"Nothing. I haven't slept for days" he chuckled.I smiled lightly.

He had dark bags under his eyes , his skin looked pale and lifeless. And he flinched at slightest noises.

"Do you want to take a quick nap" I turned back for his reply. When the sharp pain on my stomach froze me in my steps. I struggled to breathe as my fingers grazed on the wound. I could feel the sticky liquid on my hands.

Something fell down beside my feet making Tom stagger back. The steel looked sharp and glistened in bright red liquid.

I could feel my body draining off its energy and slamming to the ground. Words were stuck in my throat refusing to come out.

I wanted to ask him why?

Why did he do that. Was something troubling him. We could've talked it out. Tom..

My vision blurred and at that moment I saw her.

Standing behind Tom who was coiled in a ball. Traitor?


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