The Deenie House 3

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Aston pov

My eyes were closed but the fear wasn't letting me sleep. You know the kind of fear where you sweat. The kind of fear where different scenarios keep running through your head. And the more you try to think about something else they follow. And the chill I am feeling right now just says a lot.

squeak '

I sat upright. My heart beating fast. I turned on the bedside lamp. The click echoed throughout the room. This silence I hate it.

I got down not wasting any time. It's not like that dare or anything was true.  It's just a myth Aston. The noise came from under my bed which reminded me of those horror movies. I got on my knees and bent down pulling up the cloth.

My hands trembled as my eyes widened. My body wouldn't move as if glued on the spot. My brain as if telling me to look at it.

I pushed myself, but still couldn't put a lot of distance between us. The cloth hanged in the air as if held by something. A creepy grin slowly formed on its lips only for the cloth to fall suddenly.

It brought me out of my stupor. Scared and Sweating I got up running towards the door.  But it was too late. I fell as it grabbed my leg trying to drag me. I shouted helplessly as my eyes stung.

Suddenly the force stopped. Everything quiet. My breathing was haggard. I couldn't even feel my legs. Looking as if it was my only chance I ran. Ran out of my house as far as I could.


                          Ryle pov

The sound of my alarm woke me up. Rubbing my eyes I looked for my phone. I looked through the messages to see if anyone replied. Jeremiah still hadn't seen the message.

I had school today. School wasn't as good as I thought. I had this gut feeling from the beginning that something bad was going to happen. Even the weather was gloomy. It kind of reminded me of .... never mind.

Even Aston didn't come to school today. It wasn't something new though. He bunked classes a lot. I went to our meeting place which wasn't far from school. The gates were open meaning someone already arrived. But it was quiet.

I went in only to see Tom and Christian. Atleast they weren't acting odd.

"Hi," I greeted placing my bag down unlike them who threw it at random places. Taking a seat on an empty bean bag.


"Hi... Where are Jeremiah and Aston? " Christian asked. He looked behind me expecting to see them.

I opened my mouth to reply when the footsteps stopped me. We looked towards the entrance. A tired-looking Aston walked in, dark circles surrounding his eyes. His hair was unkempt. He looked like someone had run him over.

"Hi guys" he took a seat near me as he forced a smile.

"Where's Jeremiah ?" Christian asked

"Don't know man" Aston replied.

And here we go again. Christian and Jeremiah were close very close. You could say Christian was the younger brother.

"What happened to you ?" I asked.

"I don't know if I'm paranoid too. Guys listen to me I think Deenie is real" his serious tone scared me. Even though I didn't want to believe it, it gave us no choice.

"I'm sure there should be a way out," a distracted-looking Tom said. There should be if it's true.

"I don't know. Last night there was someone in my room. Disfigured, bloody, creepy. Ugh! I can't get it out of my mind"


We jumped up upon hearing it. It came from down the corridor.

"I'll go and see" I got up Aston getting up with me.

"I'll go with you," he said.

"We'll go too. It's scary when you're alone" Tom added. I walked in front with Aston by my side. Glancing back from time to time so that they keep up with us. Even our hangout spot felt foreign. This thing is seriously messing with our heads.

It didn't take long before we reached the door. I took a deep breath before flinging the door open. It was empty. I went in looking for the intruder though there was none.

"It was just our album," Christian said picking up the album which fell from the shelf.

"Let's head back then," Tom said breaking the silence.

Tom and Christian left soon after. I stood there glancing around the room one last time.

"There's no way the album could have fallen on its own," Aston said looking at the spot the album was.

"Right," I replied. He looked shocked by my answer. I closed the door before going back.  Tom and Christian were going through the album consisting of our pictures since we became friends. Those were some days to be remembered.

I was drinking coffee when Aston joined me.

"You have seen it too haven't  you ?" He asked and I knew where it was going. I just nodded in reply.

"Since when" I took I deep breath It's sought of become my habit these days. I looked at him in the eye.

"Since the first day, we camped"

"And you thought it was a good idea to hide it from all of us!" Aston shouted, his fist colliding with my jaw making a cracking sound.

I let him hit me as much as he wanted. I know it was my fault in the first place. It's not like we would be having any civil conversation anytime soon. So I just let him.

He stopped after a few hits. Dropping down, he was devastated, just like me. I kneeled before him, wanting to comfort him but the words were stuck in my throat.

I hugged him as he leaned on me. It was one of the hardest times of our lives. But I still hoped for it to go away.


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