unkept secrets

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Ryder walked into Scott's house to see Josie, Liam and Hayden curled up on the couch together. Hayden was on one end while Josie laid up against Liam's chest, the Dunbar's arm wrapped around her to ensure she was close to him.

She was thankful that the three were safe. She didn't want to wake her sister up, instead leaving the girl to sleep for a little before they went home.

She was concerned that Austin had hardly glanced in her direction when everyone returned safely. She figured it had something to do with him still being a little upset that she wouldn't let him tag along, but when she searched the room and locked eyes with Theo and saw the wavering smirk on his face, she was almost certain that the Raeken had something to do with it.


"I talked to Liam."

Ryder looked over at her sister, "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Josie nodded, the movement being lagged due to her position on the bed.

The sisters were lying side by side on Ryder's bed, their eyes on the ceiling as they spoke.


"On the drive back after Theo found us. Hayden was sleeping and we talked."

"A good talk?"

Josie shrugged, "I think so. He told me he doesn't like her like I think he does."

"No?" Ryder was confused. His actions showed otherwise.

"Nope. Apparently he feels like he owes her something for accidentally hitting her that one time in sixth grade. He feels like he should be extra nice to her for causing her pain."

Ryder hummed, "Makes sense... I guess."

It definitely made some sort of sense. She could see Liam's train of thought but she wasn't so sure if she liked where it was going. While he had no ill intentions, his lack of communication was hurting her sister.

"I know it's stupid and probably a huge risk, but I really like him, Ryder."

"I know. And I don't think it's stupid, alright? I'm sure Liam doesn't mean any harm, he's just a kid. All of you are."

Josie wanted to question her sister on what was going on with her and Austin, having seen the way the couple hardly interacted the night before, but she knew it would only force Ryder to push her away more.

Last thing she wanted was to lose her sister.


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