Chapter 5 - Memories

Start from the beginning

"Yes, however, you were not awake and not necessary for the -classified information override-. Furthermore, Loki needs to be watched at all times. Let me know if you need something else."

And with that, silence filled the corridors once more. It seemed like everyone had an attitude towards you today.


"FOCUS Y/N! COME ON!" Steve shouted at you for the tenth time in a row. You were starting to get seriously pissed at everything. You were done with ducking, kicking, uppercutting, flailing, running, jumping, sliding, punching. In a mad attempt to rid yourself of this as quickly as possible, you sprint over the last hurdles, do a high kick to the dummies and finally flop down on the floor at the end of the obstacle course. Steve walks over to you, a disappointed look on his face.

"Well. I think that's all for today. I won't be able to get more out of you anyways."

Huffing, you roll and push yourself off the floor, walking fast to the exit. Everything today seemed to get on your nerves. Now you had to ALSO train with Loki.

You chug water, rehydrating your tired body as you practically drag your feet to the other training facility, this one built to control magic powers. Pushing the door open with your feet, you glance around the room, seeing nothing and no-one. Usually you like the slightest bit of silence but right now, it felt overwhelming and painfully hollow as if all life had been drained from this place.

Connecting your phone to the speakers in the room, after going through several playlists, you pick a song and let the music flood the space. The beginning notes ring out, feeling like the sun, rippling through the room and creating energy. The music starts to build up, bass coming in as well as the melody, ringing strong and true. Your feet grazes the floor gracefully, connecting at once with the music and its beat. Suddenly, it fills you up and you let yourself loose to dance away the emotions of the day. Pirouette after pirouette, you leap, bound, float, aerial over the large floor. It felt like your heart was being poured out with every new trick and move you did. You were climbing on the music notes, leaping from one to another, grabbing the sharps and flats, grand jete-ing over the partition's lines, twirling with the rhythms. In a beautiful, entrancing, retranscription of emotions. As the last few bits of the song flow out, you feel yourself coming to a stop, fully soothed and content.

You turn around to the voice you'd recognise out of a million, his emerald eyes looking like cut gems.

"That was certainly most entertaining to watch. Although I hate to admit such a thing, your dancing was... enchanting."

"Thank you Loki." you felt heat rushing to your cheeks and glad to be able to make it pass for the dancing and not for him.

"You're... very welcome, I suppose."

You smile as you saw the efforts he made to be civil towards you and your companions.


"Oh come on! If he's being an oaf, I should be allowed to say it! They should even feel grateful to just see my shadow." spat Loki as you tried to explain to him for the fifth time why he can't talk that way to the other team members.

"Calm down your Highness, this isn't Asgard."

"I know that, you Midgardian." His words were sharp like a knife. He hadn't called you that since the end of the second week.

"Right, well, can you not be like this for one second." You were seriously getting annoyed with him.

"One second. Done. It was most certainly tiring." he grins then turns towards the window, hands behind his back.

To be Loki'd  - Loki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now