Your Beloved Knight - Megatron x Decepticon!reader

Start from the beginning

The mech's eyes bore into you with a piercing intensity and you felt a flush of anxiety rise within you, "Very well, if you claim as such you have to prove it to me." you felt a knot of unease in your tanks as he spoke, "Fight me." your lord's challenging words took you by complete surprise. You had never anticipated that he would question your abilities in such a manner. And now, here he was, standing before you, demanding that you battle him to prove your capability.

"I- I cannot do that..." you stuttered, the thought of confronting him in combat filled you with dread.

Megatron's gaze shifted slightly, his impatience evident, "Are you disobeying your own master?" he questioned, his words cut deep, striking at the very core of your confidence.

"No, my liege." you said firmly, lifting your chin in defiance.

"Then do as I say."

"As you wish." you accepted the challenge, determined to prove yourself to your lord. A small smirk formed on his dermas. He admired your spirit, even as he made a mental note to keep a closer watch on your actions.

The clash of steel against steel echoed through the air as you danced around each other, searching for a weakness to exploit. You didn't dare look away from your opponent, not for a second. You knew the stakes were high, and failure was not an option. But just when you thought victory was within reach, Megatron managed to grab you by your already wounded shoulder, "ACK--!" you cried out in pain. As his grip tightened, he slammed your whole form to the hard floor.

"Perfect condition you say?" the large Cybertronian repeated your words and let you go. You barely got back up due to the discomfort in your armor. He loomed over you and let out a strict command, "Medic, now."

You got up on your pedes, lowering your helm, "Yes, my lord." you replied silently and made your way towards the medical bay. Megatron kept watching as you walked out of the room. When you reached Knock Out, he immediately sprang into action, tending to your injuries with efficiency and precision. As he worked, you couldn't shake the feeling of your lord's dark, calculating gaze burning into your back. You wondered what his true thoughts were about your condition. And whether or not he would trust you to lead his army into battle once again.

When Knock Out finished fixing you, he was dismissed, leaving you and the mighty leader alone. You sat up on the medical berth, feeling the lingering ache in your body from the battle. The tall warrior's crimson optics pierced into your own, observing you. His stare made you shift apprehensively, "My apologies... for lying to you. I promise it won't happen again."

Megatron approached as he held his arms behind his back, "Why do you keep doing this?"

You hesitated, unsure of how to respond to the powerful leader's question, "Because you are way more important than my well-being. You are the leader of the Decepticons, your people need you."

His expression softened slightly. As you kept looking at the ground, he kneeled, "Not as much as I need you." those unexpected words made you glance up at him in surprise, he placed his sharp digits on your small servo which rested on your leg, "You are one of my most significant warriors. Your loyalty to me has already proven it. I do not want you to throw away your life like this, ever again. Do you understand me?" his words were filled with concern and care, you could feel the weight of his intentions. You nodded slowly in response and he continued in a low tone, "I will survive whatever faith has decided to strike at me. Lessen your worries about me, it's time for you to take proper care of yourself." you could sense the worry and fear in his gaze. It was clear that he cared for you deeply, just as you cared for him, he lightly tightened his hold, "If not, I will."

In that moment, you felt the weight of his words sink in. You knew he was facing his battles, but his concern for you showed just how selfless he was, "That is not necessary, Megatron." you tried to offer some comfort in return.

"You are always by my side, for once, let me be by yours." right then, you truly saw the depth of his character and the unconditional love he had for you, "I am very fond of you, my little knight. Very precious to my spark..." he confessed in a whisper and you felt a surge of warmth inside. The bond between the two of you had always been strong, but this reached a whole new level. You saw the strength and tender soul that lie beneath his stoic exterior. His words touched something deep within you, and you couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the deepness of his love for you.

Out of nowhere, two high-heeled pedes walked near where you both stood, "My liege-!" Starscream halted instantly when he spotted you.

His red optics widened in surprise. There was an awkward silence between each one of you for a split second, Megatron rapidly turned to him with angered expression, "What is it, Starscream?!"

"Please, excuse me for the interruption, master." the SIC stammered as he faintly bowed, "The crew awaits your commands."

"Tell them to prepare for departure. Now vanish out of my sight!" he yelled out his demand. The seeker nodded and quickly scurried off. As he disappeared, Megatron turned back to you, "Rest until I return."

"What about the new mission?" you replied, worry evident in your voice.

"It will be taken care of." before you even knew it, he gently cupped the side of your face-plate. You felt a sense of safety and comfort, it was a gesture of tenderness, a rare display from a leader known for his ruthless nature. As his thumb traced a gentle pattern along the alloy of your cheek, you realized just how much he truly cared for you, "I will not be gone long. You have my word." and with that, he walked away. You let out a vent you hadn't realized you had been holding and couldn't help but smile softly. It was a small moment, but it had left an indelible mark on you.

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