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A full week had passed and Sohee was finally done with his exams. Him and his friends leaving the school building as they let out a tired, long, and excited groan.

"Finally we're done with exams. Never want to do that ever again. I better get good grades again this year or else I'm going to jump into the middle of the road." Wonbin complained as he stretches his arms.
"Why were the exams questions so much harder this year.... It's like the examiners are asking us to fail.." Anton spoke, him worried about how he performed in his exams.
"I don't care about my marks, as long as I'm done with this torture and I can spend more time with Lara now." Eunseok stated as Anton gave him the side eye. All he ever talks about if it wasn't some horrendous dad jokes was his soulmate Lara. Man fell in love and can't get up.

"Speaking of spending time with our soulmate, Sohee are you not going to meet up with Ari? I saw her walking by herself a few minutes ago, I thought that you were going to accompany her." Sungchan asks as Sohee shakes his head a no.
"We haven't made any promises to meet up. Though I'd like to see her after a whole week. I miss talking to her..." Sohee trails off as all his friends placed their attention on him.

"Guys I think I'm in love with her. Literally during the whole examination today, all I could think about was her." He said and had a hand on his head when he had that realisation.
"Congrats on finally realising. We knew all along, you were just the last person on earth to realise it!" Seunghan cheers as Sohee shot him a quick glare.

"So are you planning to ask her out." Eunseok asks as Sohee looks at him confusedly.
"Ask her out?" He repeated.
"Umm ask her out to be your girlfriend and confess??" Eunseok says as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.
Sohee was quiet.
"I thought that once we find out that we were soulmates, that automatically means that we were dating..." He confesses as all his friends slapped their foreheads.

"Sohee... you truly ARE an idiot." Seunghan wails. His friend might be academically smart but when it comes to love, he was clueless as hell.
"What are you waiting for? Go and tell her that you love her and confess." Anton tells him as all his friend encouraged him to go after Ari.

Sohee nodding his head before running off to find Ari. He was determined to confess his feelings for her. Unlike what he did in his past life.

"I'm going to tell her that I love her because I wasn't able to in our past life." He mutters as he went on a mission to find Ari.

⋆ ࣪. ˖ ࣪⭑.

Ari was making her way back home. Her house wasn't that far away from school so she preferred to walk home rather than riding the bus where her motion sickness would start acting up.

She hugs her arms as the weather had drastically started to get cold. Stopping in her tracks when she sees something falling from the sky.

"It's snowing. No wonder why." She says as she watches the snowflakes fall down to the grown.
She was never a fan of the cold, winter seasons only meant one thing, and that was flu season.
Though it was getting really chilly, her hands on the other hand started burning. Ari pulling up the sleeves of her jacket to showcase a new tattoo. A tattoo of a heart. She stares at it with full skepticism. It didn't take long for her to easily get distracted as she then focuses back on the weather.

"Oh no it's snowing. It's a bad sign." She thought to herself when the snow started falling down heavily. The girl about to run back home when she hears someone calling her name out.

The sound of Sohee's voice had managed to catch her attention as she looks behind to see him a couple distances away from her as he waves his hands in the air.
"Sohee what are you doing here." She asks, slowly walking over to him. The two of them separated by the zebra crossing.

"I wanted to tell you something!" He replies whilst smiling at her. The lad about to go over to her as he crosses the road. The heavy snow that was falling blocking their view as Sohee wasn't able to see that there was a vehicle that was speeding through the road that was presumably supposed to be empty.

"Sohee watch out. Move out of the way!" Ari yells out.
"Huh?" Sohee wasn't able to react properly on time as the next thing Ari witnessed was the view of a car speeding and crashing straight into Sohee.

Her world blanked. One second Sohee was smiling at her as he was on the other side of the pavement, and the next second he was now on the ground as he bled.

"SOHEE!" She yells out as she ran over to him. Blood dripping down his forehead and spreading on the road. She takes a hold of his hand with her shaky ones as she stares at him in absolute fear. The fear of losing him.
"Sohee please stay with me, you haven't told me what you wanted to say." She pleaded.

Ah yes, he liked it when she calls his name out. The lad barely conscious as he looks at her.
He felt something cold drop on his face. It wasn't the snow that was falling from the sky, instead it was wet. It was Ari's tears.

With the last remaining power he had in him, he manages to squeeze Ari's hand. Maybe it was his sign of telling her that he was ok and she didn't need to worry.

"Someone please help me! Fuck, I hate the snow so much." She cries out loud. Trying her best to keep her emotions under control.
She then lost it when Sohee had let go of her arm. Ari looking down at him in appal as she lets out a loud and painful scream.

The tattoo of the heart that was on her arm was disappearing just like his life.

AEONIAN | ( l. Sohee ) ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ