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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


"Who invented maths, I hate this." Sohee groans as he closes his textbook. Running his hands through his locks of hair and messing it up.
"Just copy one of your classmates work if you aren't able to find the answer." Eunseok stated.

Sohee and his group of friends were currently over at Sungchan's place as they decided to hang out there after school. Sohee being the very diligent student that he is, decided to work on his homework. He wasn't the only one who was doing work, Anton was as well working on his homework until he got bored and started playing on his phone. Everyone was on their phones now whilst Sohee was the only stressing.

"I don't copy people's work like you and Wonbin." Sohee retorted as he heard Wonbin yell from the kitchen. "Hey I heard that!"
Followed by the sound of a girl giggling. Wonbin was in the kitchen as him and Sungchan's sister were currently trying to make something for everyone to eat.

He lays his back on the couch as he lets the cushion swallow his body. The lad staring at the ceiling in utter boredom before his phone vibrated, indicating that he had gotten a notification.
He took his phone out and stared at his screen. His eyes widening when he realised that it was Ari who had texted him first.
All sense of boredom disappearing as he got excited when he received that text.


| stop stressing
| you're making me feel uneasy 😭
| what are you stressing about?

Maths 🤥|
Staring at numbers drive me insane |

| ah that figures
| I got a tattoo of an equation???
| I was so confused and started feeling anxious

Sorry 😭😭 |
I'm taking a break from doing my work, hopefully that'll calm the both of us down |

"oww*." Sohee winces when his left arm started burning. He looks at his arm to see a new tattoo appearing. A symbol of a crayon freshly painted on.
The anxious feeling had also disappeared as it was then replaced with the feeling of tranquility. He somehow felt at peace. Was this what Ari was feeling right now before she was suddenly disturbed by his stressed state?


I just got a new tattoo |
What are you doing rn? Plus I don't feel stressed anymore |

| I've been colouring :>
| it makes me feel calm lol
| what tattoo appeared on your arm?

A crayon :P |

AEONIAN | ( l. Sohee ) ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें