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"Is your hair always this out of control?" Ari questions as she watches how the wind kept messing up Sohee's hair. His hair that was once flat and tidy was now all over the place. Strands of hair sticking up in all types of direction.
"Hair so thick, it can work as a helmet." Seunghan answers as he messes Sohee's hair up even more.

"Hey!" The said boy calls out as he shields his head from Seunghan.
"I got lazy at trying to style my hair so I just leave it as it is. Besides, I don't really mind if it goes all over the place." Sohee replies as he grins sheepishly.
"That's one thing I hate about him. He doesn't care if he looks horrid, he's that unbothered about how he looks." Seunghan whines as he looks at his friend tiredly.

"Maybe I should just shave all my hair off so you'd stop caring about my hair." Sohee tells him with a frown on his face.
"I don't know if this would help but we could try clipping your hair down so it would help it stay in place." Ari suggested, making both of the guys look at her in curiosity.

She then takes a small pouch out of her backpack before opening it.
"Tadah!" The girl cheers as she shows her two friends her collection of hair clips.
"Why do you have so much of that?!" Seunghan questions. Seriously though, why does one girl own so many hair clips and what does she even use all of it for?
"I like collecting different hair clips. Sometimes it's nice to change it up a bit when I'm wearing one on my hair." She says before taking a few hair clips and placing it on Sohee's hair.

"This is ridiculous, he's sitting there calmly and he isn't pushing you away. He usually pushes me or any of our friends away if we touch his hair." Seunghan exclaims.
Sohee getting a bit embarrassed that his friend would just expose him like that in front of Ari. He quickly clears his throat as he looks away flustered.
"That's cause she's trying to fix my hair. You and the guys touch my hair, intending to mess it up." Sohee reasons as Seunghan shook his head not wanting to listen to him.

"Ok this ought to keep your hair in place." Ari clasps her hands once she was done.
Seunghan looking over Sohee's head as he bursted out laughing.
"Oh my god he looks so hilarious with that amount of hair clips on his head."

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